May 3, 2010

Random Monday Thoughts

I have so much in my head to share, so here it goes. This may or may not lead to future posts with or without pictures.

First....I made a button! Finally after trying for so long, figured it out and tada...there it is!
<----------------See? Feel free to spread the love and stick it on your blog...I'm going to be updating my sidebar with those of you that I love soon so if I don't have yours, don't worry I will doon!
  • Bachlorette Party this weekend...oh my was it fun!(fun here being spa, melting pot, comedy club, stripper) However I did feel like crap last night and this morning from all the "fun"! (this fun includes  margaritas, jello shots, toquitos, and a strawberry martini). (Gin is the work of the devil...I am sure of it)
  • HUGE tree is getting trimmed/topped whatever in our front yard tomorrow.  It literally is more than twice as tall as our house and leans horribly and makes us really nervous in windstorms.  However right now I am fearful that during trimming something will fall onto our house leading us to wishing we wouldn't have done anything to said tree. Company has liability insurance and has xx yrs of service but makes me REALLY nervous.
  • Wedding I'm in is in 2 weeks and my arms are not nearly as toned as I would have hoped they would have been.  Or really at all for that matter.  
  • Not sure how I will do my hair for said wedding...thinking half up and half down...thoughts?
  • My google reader thinks I dropped off the face of the will I ever catch up??
  • A friend lent me 2 zoom lenses so I'm going to be taking some fun shots this week for You least that's my plan!
  • Dishes, laundry and basic clutter has overtaken my house...and I need to do something about it tonight.
  • I am beginning to think my husband has an addiction to vinyl.  As in records.  Yes I'm serious.  So if anyone has any they are wanting to get rid of let me know and I might just pass you a little cash to ship them my way...he got a huge box for like $30 at a garage sale a few weeks ago and is so proud his collection is growing!  LOL.

Ok enough, rambling for now...I just wanted to get these out in hopes they would motivate to write more about one or more of them this week.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Brooke said...

we've got a tree i fear is dead. better that you get yours off your land so it doesn't do any serious damage.

Mommy Elephant Sarah said...

Seriously don't worry about the tree trimming. My neighbors tree is massively huge, and hangs over 3/4 of our house! Yes it's THAT big! Every couple years he has a trimmer come in. They climb like monkeys all around, and trim it to nothing. It seriously looks so sad and naked right now, but they are pros. They know what they are doing, and I've gone through this 3 times now with no problem. The worse thing to happen was a branch they cut landed on a rose bush, giving the rose a mighty prune. Everything will be fine! You really don't need to worry about it!!

Stacie's Madness said...

awe. your button is cute.
that's sounds dirty...but I mean it in a really clean way. ;)

Melissa List said...

The only thing you can do about that google reader? Is hit "Mark all as read". It's so liberating. :)

I have to do that once in awhile myself! I read lots of blogs (and barely have time to comment), but sometimes I don't even have time read them.

Bari said...

Your button is so cute-I'm putting it on my blog now :)

Stillmary said...

You do have a lot going on! And it's all good including the tree trimming. We had a large one done in our backyard and my only regret is that we didn't do more or take it out entirely. And, Great button!

Elaine A. said...

Good idea to get that tree trimmed. We had a big cottonwood fall on our last house and it was an awful experience!

Need to grab your button... great job!

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