September 20, 2009

Oh crap...I'm stuck

Ever feel like you are stuck at a point along your journey to wherever it is you are wanting to go? Like you aren't sure how exactly you have come to a stopping point, but you have and now you just can't seem to get the motor running again to continue down the road. There are many miles behind you and you have made it almost 75% of the way to your final destination....yet each day ends up being a little more difficult than you thought it would be and you don't end up getting back on track.

Well I am on that road and the light ahead is flickering-calling for me to keep fighting and push onward. I thought the toughest part was behind me, but I am now fully aware that that is sooo not the case! The hardest part is yet to come, but I will be darned if I am going to quit and turn around and run in the other direction! No way! I fought hard and up until a few weeks ago, made the right choices to get to the point where I am. I know that I have it in me, and I am going to reach into the depths of who I am, yank that motivation out and get moving down the road towards my final goal.

Does anyone else find that is is harder the further you go and the closer you get to your goal? Am I the only one that has become lackadaisical and kinda has that "Oh I'll just have another cookie" syndrome? If anyone has advice on how to get past this feeling, please let me know.

Tomorrow is a new day and I have my alarm set to get up and Shred in the morning...figure the best way to kick this feeling is to sweat it out. I hope it works!


LaughingLady said...

Oh sweetie, you and me BOTH!!! I'm SO struggling with this! It's totally a psychological plateau. Enough people have told me I look great, and I've outgrown enough old clothing, that I've kind of lost that feeling of NEEDING to lose weight. Even taking up jogging hasn't really changed that for me ~ I think it's probably the only thing that's keeping me from gaining weight back!

I'm not sure how to get past this either. I'll be sure to let you know when I stumble upon something that works for me!!

Mommy Elephant Sarah said...

Yes I call that the cocky phase. I've been in it for awhile because I only have 10 lbs left to lose, and I already feel good. My weakness is cupcakes and Fall treats, and when I was losing my baby weight I made sure to limit it to one day a week, but lately it's been harder. I'm at a comfortable place which is good, but I'd also like to lose that little bit of fat left in my stomach, but that alone hasn't stopped the treat eating lately. I guess if I saw the scale going up it would, but I guess I've been balancing things out with my exercise. Although this week has been one of my best in the last month!

Brooke said...

actually, the closer i got to my goal, the more encouraged i was to keep going! now that i'm (sorta) in maintenance, its really hard to stay motivated. either way, my body deserves better than wasting 500 calories on a piece of cake. especially on a long run day. our bodies deserve better fuel than that - its just convincing our heads!

jaime said...

I totally have that syndrome, and am hoping that it passes soon. Great job on getting up early to do the Shred! That's a great step in the right direction...and I'm hoping that the early morning exercising will also help me.

Christie O. said...

oh boy do i hate that. yes, i know exactly how you feel. it's always harder before it gets easier, but that doesn't make it easier to keep going, that's for sure. but it's worth it. what i ask myself when i want to quit? the following: what am I doing this for? If I quit, will I get there? And If I don't do this now, or at all, then when? Because no one will do it for me.

it has to be a conscious decision made daily. you'll get there. i promise. just keep talking to yourself.

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