October 10, 2012

Let's go to the Pumpkin Farm

Saturday we took Grace to Pigeon Roost, a local Pumpkin Farm that is about half an hour from our house.
We have heard people talking about it and how much fun it is for kids...I was shocked at all the activities that were there! They had a huge fenced in activity center area that had a petting zoo, a huge fort, a corn maze, fun kids activities and tons of fall themed fun! Gracie was a little too young and small to enjoy it this year, so we just stayed up in the front where all the pumpkins were, but next year...we are so going to rock that activity center!

First stop....how tall are you this fall? 2 1/2 pumpkins....almost 31 inches!
Daddy helped to hold you up behind the ghost cutout...you thought it was the best thing! 
Look at that dimple!
She wasn't a fan of bring held...but Mommy wanted a picture in front of the giant pumpkin tree!
So we then let Grace loose amongst the pumpkins to let her play and pick out the one that she wanted.
She had alot to choose from and was planning her attack wisely...

I think she was a bit excited don't you? She loves to be outside and able to run around.
Oh this little girl.....we are gonna be in trouble with those eyes!
It didn't take long before she caught interest in all the leaves that were on the ground. She started picking them up one by one and was "gifting" them to me. Of course I lovingly took each and every one. (Then tossed them back to the ground where they belong...lol)
We thought it would be cute to get her a little pumpkin that she could actually carry around, so we headed over to the baby bin. Baby pumpkins..not for actual babies. She took her time saying "hmmmm" and "punk punk" while touching almost everyone within her reach.
We then headed over to take a look out over the activity center. They had a fenced side of one of the barns that you could still see the animals...so we went to take a look.

There were turkeys and goats in the pin beneath us...so we took a few minutes to bend down and look at him. Grace kept waving and saying hi to it...how cute! When we left I told her to say bye to Mr. Goat...to which she puckered up and started to cry. She's not a fan of the goodbyes. Even if its to a random goat she just met.
The wind had started to blow a little and it was getting crisper. It was time to wrap things up. But before we headed out, we went back to the pumpkins and picked out the one we were going to take home. 
We had a great time at the Farm and can't wait to take her back next year and let her wear herself out. She was so excited this year and fell asleep in the car, so I can't imagine the fun she will have next year! And I bet she will be close to 3 pumpkins tall by then!


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