March 4, 2011

26 weeks

How Far Along am I: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a eggplant

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 20 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: All of my pants are maternity pants but I can still wear a handful of my regular shirts. I am still in some low ride pants, but am finding my full belly panel ones much more comfortable as I continue to grow bigger.

 Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: I can feel her moving every hour, sometimes more than others. She is currently head down, so the thumps I am feeling must be her little arms stretching! She is starting to move closer to my belly button, but mostly stays pretty low.

Sleep: This week it hasn't been the best as far as sleeping goes. For some reason my left shoulder has been achy from laying on my side, so I'm tossing and turning a few times. But once I'm asleep I'm good. Haven't rested much this week, been running around a lot.

What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy mostly. And this week I've been wanting wine and lobster. Thanks Lobster Month are working.

Cravings: This week it's salads, Rocky Road Ice cream and bean burritos!

Symptoms: This week I've had some slight pain in my lower side regions, but nothing too long to make me think it's Braxton Hicks contractions or anything. But yesterday the top of my belly button was hurting sooo bad, kinda like it was stretching out or being pulled from the inside. Owie. Otherwise, I'm feeling great and love being pregnant!

Best Moment this week: It definitely would be getting the ultrasound that confirmed baby G is a girl! So thankful she was moving around and gave us the butt shot right away! Yippee...let the nursery decorating officially begin!  During my drs appointment he thought I was measuring small with the measuring tape, so I go back in next Wednesday for another ultrasound to measure little one and make sure she is growing properly. So prayers that its just my fluff making actual tape measuring seem a little small.


Bari said...

Beautiful momma! Can't believe you only have about 3 months to go - enjoy it, because it will fly by. Give baby G a pat from me, too, m'kay?

Kirsten said...

You look fabulous!

jaime said...

You look great!! I can't believe that you're already 26 weeks! :)

Adventures In Babywearing said...

How fun! Congrats congrats!


Ryan {Southern Pearls} said...

I have been experiencing the same symptoms! So strange!

Melissa List said...

Aw, you're lovely!!

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