March 6, 2010

If I had waited....

I have been on this journey of losing weight and getting healthy for just over a year...and I am more than halfway to my goal. 

What would my life had been like if I hadn't started making changes when I did?

*I would be weigh over 200 lbs...remember I am barely 5 feet tall...this would not be good.
*I would probably have more trouble getting pregnant because of my size and physical condition.
*I would probably have diabetes just like my mom and grandma and be taking insulin at least once a day.
*I would probably have high cholesterol, clogged arteries and high blood pressure.
*I would be out of breathe everyday when I walk from the parking lot into work.
*I would be happy that it was still cold outside because I would not be in a hurry to go outside or wear capris/shorts/bathing suits.
*I would be grumpy just about all the time because I would not be happy with myself.
*I would probably be spending alot of time at home alone because I wouldn't feel like going out thinking people were judging me and comparing me to how I used to look.

But instead, because I did step up and started making changes to how I was living my life:

*I am knocking on the door of 150 lbs.
*I am continuing to work towards making a good womb for future bebe.
*I have significantly cut out excess sugars, fats and preservatives from my diet.
*I am exercising everyday and now don't mind parking out a little further.
*I can't wait for warmer weather to get a chance to start C25K again and go for walks with my husband.
*I feel better about myself and appreciate it when people compliment me on the positive changes they can see in me.
*I have meet some wonderul women who are on the same journey that I am, they give me motivation to contiue when I stumble or feel like giving up.

I am so thankful that I took the time and focused my energy on reaching my goals...I am happier then I would have been if I had continued down the path I was going.  I am worth it...and I am realizing that more and more with each day.

*This is part of the Monday Project at Shrinking Jeans.


Karena said...

I'm glad you're with us, I'm glad it's nearly spring and we CAN go out wearing capris, and I'm glad that you can be happy with yourself now! You've done such an amazing job so far -- I know you can reach your goal! So glad you're a part of SJ!

Mommy Mo said...

I got choked up reading your post Mendie! You are so worth it and we're so lucky to hav your positive spirit and attitude at the Sisterhood.

LC said...

Yay, Mendie! I'm so glad I'm getting to know you. Thank you for sharing this! :)

AnnG said...

You have made some amazing finds during this journey and it is only the beginning! So glad that you didn't wait....your future baby will appreciate it, too!!

Brooke said...

you are a beautiful woman who deserves every bit of the freedom she feels because of all the changes - enjoy those shorts this summer!

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