February 4, 2010

You Capture - FACES


Some days you won't feel like smiling.  You will want to cry and sob and question why things happen and what God's bigger plan is.

Last night Emma knew something was wrong and just wanted to be close to me.

She reached up and kissed away my tears.

She knows how to help me smile thru the tears.  That dog has an amazing heart.

My aunt found out yesterday that she will have to have surgery next Thursday to remove the brain tumor that was discovered last week. She had the same surgery almost 4 years ago to remove a tumor, and has gone thru chemo and radiation to treat another tumor that wasn't able to be removed because of "fingers" that had woven in with her brain tissue. That tumor has shrunk and remained stable with her continued treatments. She was starting to lead a normal life again, regaining her balance and even starting to drive on her own last fall. It makes my heart hurt to think she has to go thru all of that again. She is a warrior of God and is a living miracle and will continue to fight this horrible disease with everything she has! Please keep her and her doctors in your prayers. 

Come share your faces, happy or sad with Beth at I Should be Folding Laundry.


Brooke said...

emma sounds like the sweetest little thing!

continued prayers for your family.

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

Oh, sweet Emma!
I'm so sorry about your aunt. I hope things go well and she gets back to her normal life again soon.

Cathy said...

What a cute dog! Best wishes to your Aunt.

Heather D said...

Animals always know just the right thing to do to make you feel better.

Praying for your Aunt, babe and for you. You are so strong. I know it's hard. Hugs!

Syl said...

thinking of you and your family, you dog is adorable and so are you

Bari said...

Emma sounds so sweet. *hugs* coming your way.

Kirsten said...

Oh, Mendie, I'm so glad you have that fuzzy little one to help comfort you during this time of pain and sorrow. I hope the best for your aunt and that God gives you all the strength to get through this next stage. ((Hugs)) to you, my friend.

Jen said...

I'm so sorry about your aunt! Isn't it funny how animals just know?

jaime said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about your aunt. I love that pets seem to know how to care for us when we most need it. Your pictures are wonderful!

Stacie's Madness said...

i am sorry to hear about your aunt.
you and the doggie are adorable!

Ace said...

Yay for Emma! How sad about your aunt. Will keep praying.

Elaine A. said...

Sweet puppy! These are lovely photos. I'm so sorry about your aunt my friend. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. XOXO

ohabbyreally said...

What a sweet little puppy! All the best to you aunt.

Kim said...

{{{hugs}}} my younger brother had a mass removed 5 yrs ago that also had fingers. they put in time release radiation disks @ the head of each finger & they have not changed in size either direction so we are thankful for them.

T.J. said...

I send you much love and prayers, Mendie. Hang in there :) God knew what he was doing when he sent Emma to be your companion- I mean, have looked at these pictures??!!!! What a beautiful bond :)

Megryansmom said...

Your aunt most certainly will be in my prayers.

Dcan said...

Love the way your captures turned out! You and your family will be in my prayers.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

The captures are beautiful, as is Emma. I hope that all goes well with your aunt.

Bunch of Barrons said...

I'll say a prayer for your aunt! Hope everything goes perfectly and she is completely healed. Your photos are so cute...hang in there!

Saj said...

What beautiful captures. Dogs are amazing. Prayers are being sent for your aunt!

Jill said...

I love your editing here!

Messy Mommy said...

In my prayers! God bless!

Mommy Elephant Sarah said...

Animals have the best instinct when it comes to our feelings. What a sweetie!!
Sorry to hear about your Aunt! Hugs! <3

Julie Danielle said...

Prayers to your aunt. What cute pictures :)

imadramamama said...

Emma has the sweetest eyes.

Prayers out for your aunt!

ZDub said...

Sweet doggie.

Thinking good thoughts for your aunt, no one should have to go through that.

Deborah said...

As a dog owner and lover myself, I know how comforting they can be when you need it! Hang in there and best wishes and prayers to your aunt.

Lena said...

What sweet photos. Dogs really are very tender and loving creatures.
Sending well-wishes to your aunt and you.

Sahne said...

Great emotion shown! :) Beautiful natural photos.


Adventures In Babywearing said...

I pray all is well! And I love your photos. My dog all growing up looked just like that, her name was Mindy. I miss her!!!!!


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