February 24, 2010

Weigh In Wednesday- Let's Fling into Spring

Spring is just around the corner...really it is, just look past the piles of snow and ice, its there I promise! (As I watch the snowfall outside my window and sigh)

Stepped on the scale this morning for this weeks WI and I'm up .2 lbs this week, which is more then fine considering I have given up on working out COMPLETELY the last few weeks. I even got new running shoes, not sure why I haven't broke them in yet!  That changes today...cardio will be done tonight! Hold me to it!

Sisterhood Spring Fling Challenge

Today is the first day of a new Spring Fling Challenge over at Shrinking Jeans and I am excited to be part of a team challenge again!  I always know I can count on my sisters for support but to know that my success directly affects them is a whole different story.  I don't like disappointing myself, but I hate letting others down.  So this is just what I need to get back on track.  If you haven't already stop over and join us!

Starting weight for the challenge: 
155.6 lbs

And the Sisterhood is giving away 11 copies of the 30 Day Shred...yes that's right I said 11 copies of the 30 Day Shred DVD! A fitness challenge starts on March 1 and I can't wait to get my Shred on for the whole month with my sisters....I know it works, remember my before and after pics from my first experience with Jillian?  Yes...inches were lost people...and that felt great!  Can't wait to shrink some more!
Now go visit Shrinking Jeans and enter to win a copy so you can join us...promise you won't regret it when you are done and see the results!
Let's start heading into Spring feeling great about ourselves...we sooo deserve this people!


Ace said...

Maybe I'll join in this time. I already have the DVD but never made it past day 3! Motivate me!

Ace said...

something for you on my blog!

Karena said...

Time to break in those shoes, Mendie! I'm with you on not wanting to disappoint/burden my teammates. And, wow, you had really great success on the 30 Day Shred! Maybe I'll jump into that as well, if I can work it around my other training.

BTW, the blog looks fab!

Kim said...

awesome!!! I am excited to hear about another round of 30day shred!! :)

Stacie's Madness said...

you can doooo it.

Brooke said...

actually, i think you should put off breaking in those shoes for a few more weeks. i mean i wouldn't want your team beating mine in the weight loss portion of the challenge. so keep those sneakers in the box please! ;)

Mallory said...

Wow Mendie, your before and after pics just motivated me to do my 30 day shred. I wasn't going to, but like Jillian says (500 times) if I want results I have to work hard!!

Bari said...

I'm with Brooke, since you aren't on my team either, you can keep those shoes in the box. Just kidding-get your butt out there and start pounding the pavement, or the treadmill, or walk the mall. Do something, girl!

*Lissa* said...

Did you do your cardio last night? Hmmmmmmmm????


Trish said...

Hi! Fellow team member here!! I am @IamSucceeding on twitter and email is iamsucceeding at gmail dot com look forward to getting to know you! Team E will rock!

Heather D said...

I love it over here! Blog looks fab!
You're going to do great at this challenge. I love that spring is just around the corner...it's motivating!
And how did that workout go yesterday?! I'm holding you to it, girlfriend!

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