January 22, 2010

I TOTALLY Rock- The Monday Project

Rethink Your Shrink, The Monday Project

Did you know that I ROCK?
I do...sometimes I may not feel like it, but others times I'm thining to myself....I TOTALLY ROCK!
Well here's how I see it....

I ROCK because I am taking control of my health and not letting it re-take control of me.

I ROCK because last night I did 2 workouts instead of 1...and burnt almost 450 calories!

I ROCK because I tend to be the happy smiley girl, glass half full right?  You'd be surprised how it can make someone else happy by just sharing a smile.

I ROCK because I have managed to marry a good man who would never hurt me and gives me backrubs before bed several times a week, even though sometimes I can be pissy and stubborn.

I ROCK because I  provide the income for our family, and am thankful to have been born a smartie.

I ROCK because I haven't had a breakdown because of the above....sometimes feels like a lot to carry.

I ROCK because I talk to my Grandma every single day...we have a great relationship and I am blessed to have her in my life.

I ROCK because I am part of a wonderful group of women that I am so thankful to call my friends...the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans!

How do you ROCK?  Because I know you do...so go share your reasons with the Sisterhood!


The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans said...

WOW! Great list, Mendie!! I was already convinced that you ROCK, but now there's no doubt in my mind.

I love that you talk to your grandma everyday! I miss mine so much. We used to talk almost everyday, too!

Brooke said...

wow - very impressive that you're the breadwinner. that was me for like 2 months of our marriage (two slow real estate months) and i almost freaked. you kick ass!!!

Karena said...

Wonderful list, Mendie! So glad you're taking control of your health, not letting it control you!

audrey said...

Love your list. You DO rock!

Bari said...

Love your list! It is an honor to be one of your sisterhood friends!

Bacardi Mama said...

You totally rock Mendie. Your list is awesome!

AnnG said...

Love your list!! And yes indeed you do ROCK!! Love it that you are in control of your health, not the other way around!

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