December 30, 2009

Weigh-in Wednesday -Starting to Rethink My Shrink!

Rethink Your Shrink!
It's a new day...a fresh start so to speak, over at Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans today.  For the last few months, I have completely gotten away from exercising and tracking what I eat. The scale has inched upwards slowly a pound at a time, yet I continued to shovel crap and sugary treats into my face.  And well we all know, well most of us anyway, that the holiday yummies make it even harder to stay on course. 

That's another reason I am soo excited about this new challenge, I know the basics of how to lose weight...we all do.  Eat better and move your ass.  Simple.  Yet I have found myself reverting back to old ways and turning off my better judgement.  My husband notices I have given up, and I can't explain why...I just am off.  The Sisterhood hopes to help us all understand why we are off....what lies beneath the exterior that prohibits us from reaching our goals.  But that changes today.

The scale today screamed at me and blurted out 158.6.  Gulp...pretty hard to see.  But I did it...I made that number be what it is.  That's what happens when you let go of all self control and sit on your butt instead of working out.  My HRM probably misses me soo much!

There...I did it.  It hurt alot, but I know that it is the LAST time I want to see a number that high.  Its painful, but I can control it.  And with the support and motivation of all the ladies (and gent) at Shrinking Jeans, I am hoping that I can understand why I allow myself to take 5 steps back everytime I reach a goal.  My goal for this challenge weight wise is to get under 150.  I will do it!


Brooke said...

you've got to believe in yourself. you can totally do this!! :)

here's to reaching a new weight decade in the new "teens" decade!! :)

Karena said...

I totally get it, Mendie. I think we all do. Despite *knowing* what you need to do, it is SO hard to get back on track once you stumble, slip, and fall flat on your, uhhhh, knees. But YOU can do it -- we ALL can do it!

Heather D said...

You WIll do it. I know this. You should too!
We're here for you. Let's get 2010 off to a fantastic start!

audrey said...

You CAN do it. You WILL do it! :)

love said...

you CAN do it!

i wish i had the same attitude about myself...i'm just not emotionally in it at all. i wish you the best!!

Crooked Eyebrow said...

you can totally do it! I know you can, we'll all d it together


Sarah said...

2010! It's a new year! Wouldn't it be amazing if we all met our goals together???

*Lissa* said...

You will get there, I know it!!


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope 2010 has fabulous things in store for you!

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