October 22, 2009

You Capture - Technology


In the world of music downloads and satellite radio, its almost a thing of the past for people to actually own music that they can hold in their hands anymore.  Of course we have MP3 players and CD players like most people do, but we also have some older technological jewels of the musical kind in our house.

For example....this thing of beauty...the 8 track player...with actual 8 tracks! I'm sure this thing is older then some of you reading this post.  It belonged to my husbands grandparents and he recently agreed to take it off their hands (after asking them if he could have it...LOL).

Some of you may have had a box like the one shown below when you were young-the portable turntable.  You can't see it in this pic, but it has the classic denim inspired case.  We only have a few of the small records (including this Strawberry Shortcake story), but a few dozen bigger ones given to us from family members.

For the past 4 years, I have been purchasing my hubby vinyl for birthdays and Christmas's.  He wants to get a new record player this year to start enjoying his growing collection.  I wouldn't know WHY he wouldn't want to play them on the one we already have...would you??

Come see what other technology was captured over at I Should Be Folding Laundry.


Mommy Elephant Sarah said...

We collect records too, but need a new player. We have a built in closet in the hallway that the top half is full of nothing but records. Our last date before Max arrived we went record shopping. Never got into the 8 track, but I do remember them when I was little.

Christie O. said...

very very cool! oh i had so so many records, i used to love my star wars and charlie brown records! (Michael jackson was my first music record.)

funny seeing 8 tracks again! yes, i'm old enough.

Brooke said...

i love your take on technology!! :)

jaime said...

I think this is pretty awesome. :) I remember listening to my mom's Kenny Rogers 8 tracks when I was a kid. And I was so upset when the 8 track player didn't work anymore.

Laura said...

Aww, I love the vintage look - what a great idea!

Kathleen said...

Love this post!! What was technology back then...The 8-Track--Lovely (seriously!). And my children always give me weird looks because I still refer to "this album" or "that album". ("Mom, what is an ALBUM???")

Erin said...

I love the old technology and doing them in sepia!

tippytoe foxtrot said...

AWESOME! I love the photos and love that you have these things. I want to come over and listen to some 8 tracks!

Lala K said...

I love it! Retro-tech at it's finest...

Yelena R. said...

I would love to have a record player! So cool :)

Elizabeth @claritychaos said...

Yay! Your's is one of my favorites so far. :)

Mominin said...

Technology of the past . . . love it! I remember listening to 8 tracks and records as a kid on one of those HUGE wood stereos.

pixiedreams8 said...

A blast from the past! I wish I still had my little record player. I still have some of my little records and I can remember spending hours playing Elvis in my room when I was all of 5. We still have a big record player with some of our records like Eric Clapton and Annie. Great Memories! I can still remember listening to the 8 tracks at my grandparent’s house too. ;)

koreen (aka: winn) said...

LOL! I still have my original story of "Bambi" on 45 with the book. My son loves it. =)

happy me said...

Your photos are a unique take on the challenge. I wonder how dated our current technology will look in ten years? :)

Heather D said...

Clever girl, you! An 8 track? I'm impressed!

busygirlblog.com said...

i love your take on technology, excellent photos!

Cynthia@RunningWithLetters said...

Hi, Mendie! thanks for stopping by today :)

We bought my son a record player last Christmas and he loves it! Retro is great--I'm glad you celebrated it in your post...

imadramamama said...

How great that you were able to include older stuff. I love it!

Midwest Mommy said...

Wow, these are definitely the only kind I have seen of these today!

Saj said...

GREAT captures! I don't remember 8 tracks, but I had tons of 45's, and used to play them in the living room at my old house while dancing around. Thanks for the memories!

Amanda, another priorfatgirl said...

i still go out and purchase actual cd's of the artists i truly love. for some odd reason, i feel more connected to the artist that way, rather than just clicking and purchasing the mp3's online. also, not that it's THAT old of technology, but my friend has only a cassette tape player in his car, and we had THE BEST time jamming to the lion king soundtrack this summer. hakuna matata!

Stillmary said...

What an interesting post and awesome photos to back it up! Very nice!

Kendra said...

I love the pictures. I dimly remember an 8-track player around, but we still have a record player. My kids are now listening to the Mickey Mouse and Smurfs records I enjoyed when I was little. It's nice to see that "technology" doesn't have to mean something that's existed for less than a year--and will be obsolete in six month!

Alice said...

yes, i recognize it all. of course, it probably helps that i'm 56 years old - lol! i love your choices - thanks for sharing them :O)

i didn't post this week, but feel free to come on over anytime and visit me in The Shadow of the Cross :O).

Melissa Lea said...

I love records! My dad collects them and they are so much fun to put on and dance to! :)

KriskropMemories said...

I can remember listening to Billy Joel on my Moms 8-track, wow times sure have changed :)

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