August 26, 2010

You Capture-Outside

Last week we had quite a few visitors, and thankfully most of them stayed on the outside of the house. (With the exception on that little mouse which hopefully has moved on to visit another house (or crawled away and died).

First we have Mr. Toad who I nearly picked up while weeding the flowerbeds around the patio out back.  I am still now sure how I used to pick up little tiny tree frogs when I was young.  Remind me...when exactly did I become such a wuss?
I never noticed the beautiful metallic ring around their eyes.Such a pretty bronze color. I never saw him blink, do they blink? I would think so.
And of course we have tons of birds around.  I normally fill the feeder up Friday afternoon and by Monday it is almost gone.  We have seen more cardinals this year then we ever have, which is wonderful because it's our State Bird. Some males and some females, both old and young. They really are a beautiful red.
Hello Mr. that seed?  Our feeder has six posts and as soon as one took off another came to take it's place.  Sometimes they all were full and there were some standing up top waiting their turn.  We even had a pigeon or two eating the pieces that fell to the ground.
This is really the first good shot of yellow finches that I have got this year.  I love their bright color and they just make me feel like they are happy.  I mean who couldn't be happy being bright yellow!
I am happy that the sweltering days of summer are coming to an end, because its nice to be able to sit outside and not melt. As much as I like the city, I am glad to live on the outskirts and enjoy nature and all the wonderful wildlife that surrounds us.


Midwest Mommy said...

You have awesome outdoor captures! I am a wuss too. I think I would have screamed and ran away if I almost picked that guy up.

Bari said...

Awesome shots! I love birds, too. We used to have a finch feeder attached to our kitchen window where we used to live. We'd get tons of the yellow finches and also the bigger reddish finches (I think they were called House Finches).

jaime said...

Great shots! I love the photo with the bird mid-flight. And the yellow finches are so pretty - and bright!

Carrie said...

Love the birdfeeder shots!

tiarastantrums said...

wow - look at all the amazing birds you get - we get nothing but finches and robins!

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

My oldest son would have loved your first visitor! He would have invited him in for a snack and play.

HaB said...

Great photos!! It just jogged my memory that we really need to get some feeders - as I know my daughter would love to watch the bird gather.

Chrystal said...

What a cute little frog. Great shots.

Jen said...

I love the cardinal! Bird feeders are so fun.

Brooke said...

i can't wait to see them in person. but i don't wanna touch the frog.

Dorian Susan said...

Beautiful shots...and I don't know anyone who could be unhappy and yellow at the same time.
A big ol' toad startled me the other night while I was putting the trash out. I too have become a have company.

The Shades of Pink said...

We have those bird feeders where I work, the piggy birds empty them within the hour.

Kirsten said...

Oh, Mendie! These are beautiful pictures! I wish I was coming to your house this weekend too.

Bec said...

We've had so much rain this summer the frogs and toads are extra abundant. It doesn't help we live right by a marsh so our apartment has been invaded! I've had to release a handful of these suckers back into the wild after finding them hopping around inside. Gross!

Amber said...

Ooh the birds in flight at the brid feeder is a great shot!


Elaine A. said...

LOVE seeing the birds at the feeder! and those shots of the frog are great! Nice captures sweet lady. :)

melissa said...

These are the best You Capture photos I've seen this week (so far)! Great shots!

Tiffany @ No Ordinary Homestead said...

Awesome capture of the bird in flight! Fantastic shots. I don't want to hear about mice, though...we have had them in our attic twice this morning. Love when they wake my 2yo daughter up at 5am!

Chelle said...

Those are great photos! We've had so many frogs and toads everywhere, too.

And your bird feeder pictures have me wanting to go and buy one soon--I've been meaning to ever since we moved, but always forget.

Love your pictures--thank you for sharing!

Bacardi Mama said...

Awesome shots. I love taking bird pictures too and yours are great. Great captures.

Jess said...

Oh I LOVE the toad! He is so awesome.

Twice this week I had to move my couch to retrieve a hiding amphibian. When the kid stepped in the back door with the snake, that's when I laid down the law! Back outside!

Katie Riddle said...

Wonderful captures! I love cardinals! I wish we had them here on the west coast. At least I can enjoy them from your picture. :) (Visiting from You Capture.)

Audrey said...

I love these captures!

april said...

Holy crap, these are awesome!

Stillmary said...

Beautiful pictures, Mendie. I'm not sure which I like best - the birds or the frog. But it must be the birds photos because it makes me want to go out and buy a bird feeder. I especially love the one of the birds hovering to find a perch. Great post!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Beautiful pics! Although I love summer, I am loving this slightly cooler weather too!

Renée aka Mekhismom said...

These are great photos! What type of lens are you using?

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