May 19, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

We have reached the end of the 21 day challenge over at Shrinking Jeans.

Sisterhood 21-Days Challenge we go....this isn't going to be pretty. I almost didn't write this, actually started and stopped a few times, feeling like a failure for what I am about to share.  But I guess that's why I am making myself do this.  I'm holding myself accountable.Cause and Effect is a perfect example.

I have gained 10 lbs since April 7th.  Oh, I need to say that a little louder?  
I have gained 10 lbs since April 7th. 

Seriously....did I really gain 10 lbs?  I knew I felt bigger and my clothes were getting tighter...but 10 lbs?  Yes, Little are up10 lbs.  So much for being so close to that next have crossed into another one in the wrong direction!

There are a number of things I could say caused this gain over the past month.  Feeding the emotions of missing my Mom with sweets and an extra helping at dinner.  Bachlorette Parties and Weddings and get-togethers with friends.  Finding out that I am not pregnant like I so desperately was hoping I was. Feeling frustrated that I have slipped so far that I am higher then I was at the start of this year.  Blurgh.

Seeing this number on the scale made me realize, it all boils down to 3 things.
    *I have not exercised at all.  Unless you count the one mile I walked for Run a Mile days. My HRM thinks  I have disappeared off the face of the earth.
    *I am not counting calories/points in any way.  I'm guessing I have been regularly am eating over 2500 calories (like 50 WW pts) a day, sometimes probably double that.
    *I am not focusing on myself.  I need to take some time out of everyday to journal, blog or reflect on how my day went and what I plan on doing to make tomorrow a good day.

So I am starting a personal challenge, along with a dear friend of mine.  I am planning on going to Chicago to visit her in Mid-August.  I would love to lose 15 lbs by then. I have finally convinced myself that I deserve to take a vacation just for me, and I want to feel good while I am there.  So during the next few weeks, you will probably all get tired of seeing more weightloss related posts, but bear with me I NEED to do this to get back on my journey. Thank you all for your support, I have no excuses. 


Syl said...

Boy do I know how that feels Mendie, seems like we are both going through the same thing.
It takes little things like actually getting out our setbacks to get us back on track.
I reached a number I said I wouldn't let myself reach and it was that which lead me to get real with myself.
You can do this my friend, you are worth it!

Mrs. Cline said...

I know you can do it. I'm sorry you had a set-back this month. :( And I'm so sorry about the things you listed here that are making your heart hurt.

Here for you always,

Ace said...

Good for you putting it out there, now you can restart clean! I haven't gained anything in 2 weeks (surprisingly) but have given in to way too much chocolate lately and I know it's only a matter of time before my number starts going back up too. Count me in on your challenge too?

Stillmary said...

Oh Mendie. You're too hard on yourself. I think the failure comes when we ignore the gain and let it sneak up behind us and sabotage our life. You're facing it head-on and I can tell you're the kind of person that will get the best of it. You still rock - you just had a setback.

Carrie said...

Good luck, I know that you can do it. I too have gained more weight lately than I am willing to announce out loud to anyone. Way to go on the challenge you can do it. You inspire me so keep up the good work. I am routing for you!

Melissa List said...

I am proud of you for being able to even talk about it. I know it's a blow to your self esteem. Sometimes when I have blows like that it makes me want to GIVE UP completely. I'm so glad you're not like me -- that you're picking yourself up, holding your head high and GOING with it. So proud of you!

Heather D said...

You're a brave girl for being so honest. And guess what - you're SO not alone. I've been dreading getting on the scale cause I know I've not been making great choices.
But, you know? It happens. Now we get to make the decision to trudge forward. I'm in! We can do this together! Hugs.

nerual3178 said...

We're in this together... we can do this, and we'll have a blast when you visit! <3

Renée aka Mekhismom said...

WE are all in this together. Don't beat yourself up, just brush yourself off and keep it moving.

Christy M. said...

I agree with what everyone has said. You are so brave to admit your gain, and to keep pushing. You can and WILL do this, Mendie. I know you will. You are the Little Ladybug That COULD, not couldn't!!!

Chin up, girl! We've all got your back :)


Elaine A. said...

I know it was no fun to write it but I can see that it's helped you get EXTRA motivated to lose those 15 lbs. and I KNOW you can do it!! And your trip is going to be so fun - I love Chicago!

Mommy Elephant Sarah said...

I am so in the same boat! I gained 12 lbs, and my dress I wore on Easter doesn't fit!!! I hear you on everything! Sometimes it really is a struggle isn't it? At least you have a clear goal for August! I'm still trying to find mine! ;)

Stacie's Madness said...

{HUGS} weight loss is so frustrating...but I think you see the faults you've had...and you know how to change those things...good luck, I know you can do it.

The thing that helped me most was the accountability of weighing in through weight watchers each week.

Bari said...

I am so proud of you for writing this post! ((HUGS)) We have all been in the same place you are now, except many of us stayed in denial or refused to face facts. You are taking this challenge head-on and will come out victorious on the other side. You know what you need to do-so get busy! Now, if I need to head into Buckeye territory to give you a kick in the behind-don't think I won't do it!

Andrea said...

You are my hero for posting this! Seriously, so proud of you.
Life has a way of throwing us all sorts of curve balls, and unfortunately we often don't know how to handle them in the right way. Food is naturally a comfort. You have been dealing with a lot lately.
But now it's time to dust yourself off and show yourself what I KNOW you are capable of doing!!

imadramamama said...

I am so proud of you for posting this! It can be hard sometimes to take a look at what we've done wrong and where we need to change, but you did it! Only upwards from here, friend!

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