April 14, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Sisterhood Spring Fling Challenge
Time to weigh in for the Spring Fling Challenge.  It has been a rough week for me, I was on track up until Monday, then....I hit a wall. I mentally and emotionally hit a tall brick wall.  My spirit is muted, my energy is zapped, I miss my Mom and I am stressed about some personal stuff.

A lot of stuff processing thru my brain and heart, and I guess I just haven't been able to process it the right way.  As a result I have turned to food for comfort, something I thought I had a better handle on.  Apparently not.

Here are my numbers from this morning:
Last Week: 151.4 lbs
This Week: 154.4 lbs
Current Loss: 3 lb gain
Challenge Total: -1.2 lbs


Some shimmers of light in my murky waters:
*My cousin welcomed her baby girl Sunday morning.  Aubrey Madisyn was 5 lbs 14 oz on her due date! She should be going home today.  So sweet!
*I signed up for WW e-tools, and of course there's an app for that...so I can use that on my phone to better track my food and exercise.  I like it so far!

I haven't been around much because I didn't want to spread my funk to anyone else.  I'll be back around...I just hope its sooner rather then later and that I have answers or at least better direction when I do!


Ace said...

Aw, that stinks but you'll make up for it soon! I did that when we went to IN. For some reason I believe it's okay to eat like a pig when we go there. 4 days after being home I'm still trying to make up for it.

Ashlee said...

hey hun, they would be great if you could try to help me! i'm pretty much looking for just what you have set up, a fe wdifferent tabs at the top. email me ashlee.wetherington at gmail.com

Brooke said...

totally in a funk this week too. i'm sorry about the gain - i wish there was some magic pill that could help stop emotional eating. are your toilets dirty? i usually channel my energy on having the cleanest d*mn toilet in the world when i'm upset.

so far this week i've: reorganized my closet, unpacked my summer stuff, and scrubbed paint out of the carpet. frustration is a powerful cleaning tool. then you're so physically wiped out you just fall asleep. and when you're asleep you don't have to think about being upset.

enough rambling on my part. i'm sorry you're hurting *hugs*

Bari said...

I'm sorry about your funk and your gain. I'm especially sorry that you are having a rough week and are hurting. I wish there was something I could say or do to help you feel better. All I can do is give you big hugs through my computer ((hugs)).

Christie O. said...

oh girl, i'm sorry. i know what you mean though about the funk! i haven't been spreading mine around either. anyways, *hugs* and congrats to your new family addition! here's to a better week ahead! xoxoxoxo

Elaine A. said...

I know that's disappointing but you are still doing so GREAT. I have faith that you'll have a loss next week for sure! :) Big Hug!!

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