August 6, 2009

You Capture - YOU


I have a confession to make...I have been a You Capture lurker for about a month or so now...and am so impressed with the way people take pictures! Seriously it's like every photo has something different that makes them stand out from the ones that I take. For example, I take a picture of a my foot and it's just a picture of a foot. But when you capture people take a picture of a foot it becomes somehow intriguing.

So in an attempt to enhance my photo-taking skills...I am joining the You Capture Challenge over at Beth's blog (that woman is an amazing photographer!) What a better week to start with then with a self portrait.

This is hard for me, because for anyone who followed me over on my first blog knows that I have never posted a picture with my face (with the exception of my blogger profile oneand my one year comparison pic). I guess I was somehow afraid of letting people "see" me. But then I realized that by sharing all the ups and downs of my weight loss journey and hopefully someday soon my first pregnancy, I had already shared more of me than my silly face would do. I used to be fearful of someone putting a face to a name/blog....but now I would be thrilled if anyone ever introduced themselves and told me that I inspired them or made them laugh when they were feeling down. I know so many of you have done that for me over the last few months.

So here goes. My name is's a pleasure to meet you!


Amanda said...

How fun to meet you too! What a great time to join you capture!

LaughingLady said...

Great to finally see you!! (of course, I guess I don't post many pictures of myself, either ~ mostly because I just don't like SEEING them!!) It IS good to be able to put a face to a name though.

PS. I really like the new header!

audrey said...

I love it! I think Beth is challenging us to be brave. I, too, will share a lot on my blog, except pictures of me. Funny how we do that, huh?

sodarnhappy said...

Why don't you post pictures of yourself?? You're beautiful!

livinginagirlsworld said...

Great to meet you too! Welcome to You Capture. It has really helped me try new things and think outside the box. Your picture is so cute!

Toni said...

Great picture! I was a You Capture lurker too until last week. Posting a pic of myself was hard too! Good job - you took a great pic!

*Lissa* said...

You are damn gorgeous!!

Way to go on "coming out"! ;o)

Life with Kaishon said...

Mendie! You are so pretty! I love your blue eyes and your captivating smile. Nice to meet you! Another fun site you might like to help you improve your pictures is I heart faces : )

newlyweds said...

So nice to Meet you!! Great picture! Beautiful!

jen@odbt said...

Nice to meet you too. Great self-portrait. I joined up for the first time on you capture too.

Brooke said...

you're gorgeous! glad i can put a face with your blog :)

Crooked Eyebrow said...

Um I am lat to this and missed it, you are drop dead gorgeous.

imadramamama said...

Peek a boo, I see you!! Look how far you've post pictures of yourself all the time now!!

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