Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a head of lettuce
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 25 lbs since conception
Maternity Clothes: Everything below the waist, a few larger shirts from before are still making an appearance
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: She has been moving lots mostly on my left side, i think she likes that side better for some reason
Sleep: This is getting more difficult. While the number of times I am getting up in the middle of the night has decreased, normally the final time I get up, which is about 4-5am, is proving hard to fall back asleep
What I miss: Bending over easily and sleeping on my tummy.
Cravings: This week hasn't really brought any cravings, I'm filling up so much quicker with meals, I have no room for dessert.I failed my 1 hour glucose test and had to retake my 3 hour test yesterday so maybe that's making me steer clear from the sugary treats too.
Symptoms: This week I have felt pretty good overall, had a few of what I am thinking were Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in the week in the afternoon at work. Almost felt like someone made me uterus into a fist real quick and then let go..did that twice and then was done.Otherwise, heartburn has been at a minimal and no backaches this week! Yeah baby girl, thank you!