Beside my throne, they had placed an empty chair with a single pink rose in memory of my mom. Even though she wasn't there to sit beside me on my special day, we all knew that she wasn't missing it at all. My cousin Desirae wrote an amazing poem and had it framed for me. She read it aloud and everyone had tears in their eyes and I had my ugly cry face on for a few seconds. It touched me that they thought of including that for me....and for our baby. I think it will be perfect in our little princesses room. (if you click on the picture to enlarge it, you can read it easier)
After a few games, the real fun began....opening presents! I was shocked at the number of things that people brought for us! What a blessing! And in all of it....there were no duplicates! Imagine that.....I was shocked. Everyone had great ideas, mostly from current moms who knew what I would be needing the most!
There were all sizes and colors of onsies. Some with ruffles and some with sleeves, some with zippers and some that were gowns.
Her little closet will look like a zoo! Monkeys and chicks and butterflies and frogs and whales...she will love them all!
There was a lot of pink, of course, but don't worry there are some fun colors thrown in there too!
Lots of flowers and ladybugs to make our spring/summer baby look adorable!
She got dresses and jumpers and pants of every size complete with ruffle butts!
She is going to be one stylish little girl!
And what little girl wouldn't be ready for summer without a bathing suit and some hairbands.
She also got a basket full of stuffed animals and rattles. She is gonna have fun with those!
She is following after her momma already with several pairs of shoes and some cute patterened socks. Do you see those zebra boots? Can't wait to get her in those this winter!
Thankfully we were given many practical items too besides clothes. Like an adorable diaper bag and a vaporizer for those stuffy nights. Lots of wipes and diapers in all sizes will make it much easier to be prepared for those late night changes!
There were binkies to calm her down when she is upset, and washclothes to help keep her clean, as well as a whole plethora of bathtime and healthcare essentials.
Can't wait to rub lotion on her tiny little toes!
Bedtime will be so relaxing with all her super sift blankets and swaddlers. We asked people to bring a book and to write a message inside for baby G. We wanted to start her library and I am going to start reading these to her as soon as her nursery is complete!
The things people wrote to her brought tears to my eyes...she is so loved already!
My Grandma, Aunts and Cousins went together and got us the Pack N Play and Stroller/Carseat system we wanted! Woohoo....so thankful for those!
That was a big relief off our list, can't leave the hospital without a carseat!
These are some of my favorite outfits. The love bug one has little pants as well as a little ruffle layered skirt! And the tank dresses on the right will be perfect for those hot summer days when we just are lounging around the house! Love them!
Some friends that couldn't be there even sent gifts ahead of time. Thanks Audrey, Stacy and Lauren!
It was such an amazing day, I feel like I didn't have time to talk to everyone, but I guess that is normal when surrounded by over 30 women! I am so thankful and blessed to have an amazing group of friends and family that love us so much.
I am so grateful that my Grandma was there to do it all with me. We both miss my mom, but through this pregnancy I think we both have felt that she is watching me from above with a huge smile on her face. Proud of her baby girl and the little grandaughter growing inside her.