March 26, 2011

29 wks

How Far Along am I: 29 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a squash

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 25 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: All maternity except a few shirts. Last week with my low rise jeans, sad but its getting too uncomfortable!

 Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: I've been feeling her move daily, but its calmed down a bit,I think she is resting more and growing

Sleep: It's getting a little more uncomfortable to fall asleep but I'm sleeping better when I do if that makes any sense at all.

What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy definitely.  And being able to bend over easily. That is getting trickier to do.

Cravings: This week I've been pretty good with the ice cream, only had it once. Of course I was smart enough to avoid it the day before my glucose test.

Symptoms: Been feeling pretty good, besides the occasional heartburn at night, only real aches have come when I get up in the morning and that's in my lower tummy from being curled up I think. Little girl is treating her Momma well!

Best Moment this week: I would have to say feeling her first kick in my upper tummy, normally its been about belly button level, but this week she got one closer towards my chest. Still favoring the left side but I have felt some thumps to the middle lately, so she's on the move!


Mrs. Cline said...

You are adorable!!!

jaime said...

Hiiiiiiiii Emma! :) You both look great!

Ryan {Southern Pearls} said...

You look great Mendie! Loving the bump!!

*Lissa* said...

sooooo beautiful!

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