November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving. Time to reflect back on everything that you are thankful for. While it has been a difficult past few months, I still have so so much to be thankful for.

I have a wonderful husband who I am lucky to call my best friend. I have an amazing family that I am lucky almost all live within an hour of me and are huggers. Hugs mean alot when you don't know what to say. I have a handful of close friends that I know would do anything for me and I would so the same for them. I have a job making good money doing something that I love and keeps me close to home.

There are a few other personal things that I am giving thanks for this year, and those things are what has kept me going thru these difficult months. I know that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we just have to look for them in a new way.

Have a wonderful holiday my friends, I am so thankful for all of you that I have gotten to know thru blogging. Thank you for being you!


Bari said...

((Hugs)) to you, my friend. Happy Thanksgiving.

Mommy Elephant Sarah said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! xox

Bacardi Mama said...

And thank you for being you! Happy Thanksgiving Mendie!

Brooke said...

love you! hope your day was as special as you are.

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