I'm afraid that I have been keeping a secret. Forgive me?
But I wanted to wait until the time was right, and that time my friends is now.
Someone wants to say hello.
We are having a baby! See up there....that was my bean 4 weeks ago.
Its amazing-you can almost make out the little eye and nose! God bless technology!
I am 12 1/2 weeks along now and we couldn't be more thrilled that our family
is growing right under our noses, err bosom actually.
I was pretty queasy and felt like constantly yacking and was T-I-R-E-D for the first few months,
but the queasiness went away about a week ago, and now I'm just mostly tired.
Went to the dr this morning and got to hear the hearbeat again, such an amazing sound to my soul!
Thank you for all the prayers, even if you didn't know what you were praying for.
It worked, so I appreciate all of them!
I'll share how we told our families at Thanksgiving tomorrow.
It was awesome to give them some happy.
We needed some happy.
And the bean....the bean makes me so happy!