September 1, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Good morning…time for the last weigh-in for the Down and Dirty Challenge over at Shrinking Jeans. I’d like to say I ended the challenge with a bang, however that would be a lie…and I’m not about lying. So here we go.
This week's change: +1.1 lbs
Challenge total: -0.4 lbs

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans
I did exercise, but I also enjoyed some tasty beverages and not so calorie friendly food during Buckeye Retreat…which is just fine because I don’t do it all the time anymore. And I won’t continue it, if I do then I’ll be right back to where I started, 35 lbs heavier then I am now. And that would suck. Big time.

I have been doing good with my C25K training, which starting today I am just calling running. I got up to doing starting with an 8 minute interval last week but never could get up to 2 of them, I was soo winded. The girls suggested trying to cut back on the length of both intervals, and decreasing the walking instead of increasing it like the plan said. I started this on Saturday when we ran and it worked much better, I finished the whole 2 miles in under 30 minutes.

So starting with my next run, I’m going to work on 4:1 intervals and see how that goes and work my way up from there. Maybe once I get to feeling more comfortable, starting shooting for more mileage each time. That’s exciting!


Brooke said...

just "running". i like it :) cause let's face it, doing a 4/1 ratio, you are pretty must just running with a little bit of a walk in there :D


The Doll said...

I love it! I can't wait until I get to the day I can call it "running", I still feel like I'm just in a fast walking stage.

Carrie said...

Great work on the runs. I don't think it matters how long you can run as long as you keep trying. Way to stick with it.
Someday we will both be running a 5K without walking, but until then we'll just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Christy M. said...

You are a runner, Mendie. Say it with me!!!!

Okay, I highly recommend doing shorter intervals. After I rolled my ankle and got back to it, I was doing 3:2 and then 3:1 and then 5:1. I'm working up to doing 8:1 and maybe 10:1 now. You really just have to play with it. So many things can be a factor in how difficult it is. Heat, humidity, your hydration, your energy. It's like a puzzle and you have to put all the pieces together. But you can do it? Did I mention that? Because you're awesome!!!

So glad you had a good time at Buckeye Retreat :)

Mommy Mo said...

I agree with everyone else- you are a runner! And yep, shorten the intervals and I think you will see better success.

Christie O. said...

I keep calling myself a fake runner but let's face it, us girls are runners! The end! I'm glad you're finding what works for you on the running, you'll be amazed how quickly it'll all build, too!!!

imadramamama said...

Woot to the hoo! You ARE a runner! And good job on adjusting the plan to work for you instead of trying to fit into its mold!

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