I did exercise, but I also enjoyed some tasty beverages and not so calorie friendly food during Buckeye Retreat…which is just fine because I don’t do it all the time anymore. And I won’t continue it, if I do then I’ll be right back to where I started, 35 lbs heavier then I am now. And that would suck. Big time.
I have been doing good with my C25K training, which starting today I am just calling running. I got up to doing starting with an 8 minute interval last week but never could get up to 2 of them, I was soo winded. The girls suggested trying to cut back on the length of both intervals, and decreasing the walking instead of increasing it like the plan said. I started this on Saturday when we ran and it worked much better, I finished the whole 2 miles in under 30 minutes.
So starting with my next run, I’m going to work on 4:1 intervals and see how that goes and work my way up from there. Maybe once I get to feeling more comfortable, starting shooting for more mileage each time. That’s exciting!