August 25, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Good Morning friends! How are you this beautiful late summer day? I am doing good, feeling sore from the tworkout and my run last night. If you missed it, that Tara is tough…I think several of us were probably making snarky faces at her when we read her next tweet. But its great because she’s been there….she was making those same snarky faces when she started. Well I actually don’t think I remember her being snarky at all on Biggest Loser, she was always so determined but you know what I mean.

So let’s see, how about an update with how my week went food and exercise wise. Well on the food front, I did splurge and have some pizza this weekend, but otherwise stayed on track for the most part. I have still been running, trying to keep up with the C25K plan…but its getting REALLY HARD! I’m still on week 5 and I’m finding out that I am having to do each day for a week at least until I am able to complete it. Last week I was doing W5D1 which was a mix of 5 min runs and 3 min walks for 2 miles. It took me a few times, but I eventually got up to running for 5 min intervals multiple times! Yippee!

On Saturday I started W5D2, which was 8 min runs and 5 min walks for 2 miles. Yeah…that’s right 8 minutes of running straight! I was scared…really scared. Did the first interval…I was like yippee that was hard yet I did it….and I’m glad to be walking now. Then when I started the second one, I was really struggling when I hit the 5 minute mark and it felt like someone was knifing my side so I walked the rest of the 1/3 mile home.

So last night I set out to try it again, it had gotten cooler so I didn’t have to wait as late to be comfortable. Started out and got my first 8 minutes in again. Then when I started my second interval, I barely made it to 3 minutes before I almost yacked. I had a horrible stabbing pains again in my right side, so quit and hobbled home. As I got closer I decided to run the last 2 minutes to finish off 1.5 miles. Not sure what my deal is. Think it’s the 8 minute interval that’s sucking all the life out of me and that it will get better? I hope so. I’m kinda stuck in the middle of ‘Why the eff can’t I keep going, my time is getting slower not faster’ and ‘Hey you just ran 8 minutes-you rock. Remember how hard it was when you ran for 3 minutes?’. Hope I can find a happy medium soon.

Anyway, here are my results from weigh-in this morning:
This week's change: -1.3 lbs
Challenge total: -1.5 lbs

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans
Tada! Another loss…I’m thrilled, especially since I will probably not see a loss next week as there will be good eating and drinking going on this coming weekend with friends! Can’t wait! We do have a run planned for Saturday morning, that is if I can keep up with the 2 gazelles that are coming over! Otherwise it will be a nice relaxing weekend, the weather is supposed to be beautiful and I can’t wait to have some girl time! Woohoo for Buckeye Retreat!!!


Brooke said...

my muscles are so sore from last nights run! hopefully that won't be the case for our run on Saturday.

great job on the loss this week!! :)

Bari said...

Woo-hoo for Buckeye Retreat! And you will be just fine with us "gazelles". (I laughed at that btw!)

As for the c25k, maybe you should stick with 5 min runs but reduce your walk intervals. Maybe we can try 5:1 with you on Sat. I used that interval very successfully for a long time.

Kirsten said...

Woot for a loss, girl! Congrats! Do you think maybe the 8:1 intervals are too much? Maybe go back to whatever you were doing before? Give yourself more time? I"m not trying to be a naysayer, but trying to be realistic.

And have an amazing time having the Hooker Retreat - Buckeye this weekend!

Kirsten said...

Woot for a loss, girl! Congrats! Do you think maybe the 8:1 intervals are too much? Maybe go back to whatever you were doing before? Give yourself more time? I"m not trying to be a naysayer, but trying to be realistic.

And have an amazing time having the Hooker Retreat - Buckeye this weekend!

april said...

You guys are going to have so much fun!!

I think you're doing a GREAT job! Keep it up and congrats on your loss!

Carrie said...

Way to go on the loss! Keep up the good work with the weight loss and the c25k. Way to stick with it, it is hard work. Have a great time this weekend.

Audrey said...

Congrats on the loss and for doing so well with the C25K. You're a rock star!!! Have fun this weekend. :)

Renée aka Mekhismom said...

I am so jealous of the Buckeye retreat. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, congratulations on the loss! And I am with Kristin maybe the 8 minutes is too long. Now prepping for the half-marathon I'm doing 5/1 or 6/1 intervals. It helps to conserve my strength and I run faster during the walking. Do what works for you - run/walking is still running!

Bacardi Mama said...

Great job on the loss. Have a wonderful time this weekend. Say hi to the girls for me.

designHER Momma said...

It's a loss! You are doin' it girl!

imadramamama said...

Have a blast this weekend!!

And don't forget that you can repeat weeks if you have to. Keep doing your best, but don't beat yourself up too much if you can't keep up with what is ultimately someone else's schedule!

Stillmary said...

Great job on the loss! And woo hoo! You can run eight minutes! Awesome!

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