So let’s see, how about an update with how my week went food and exercise wise. Well on the food front, I did splurge and have some pizza this weekend, but otherwise stayed on track for the most part. I have still been running, trying to keep up with the C25K plan…but its getting REALLY HARD! I’m still on week 5 and I’m finding out that I am having to do each day for a week at least until I am able to complete it. Last week I was doing W5D1 which was a mix of 5 min runs and 3 min walks for 2 miles. It took me a few times, but I eventually got up to running for 5 min intervals multiple times! Yippee!
On Saturday I started W5D2, which was 8 min runs and 5 min walks for 2 miles. Yeah…that’s right 8 minutes of running straight! I was scared…really scared. Did the first interval…I was like yippee that was hard yet I did it….and I’m glad to be walking now. Then when I started the second one, I was really struggling when I hit the 5 minute mark and it felt like someone was knifing my side so I walked the rest of the 1/3 mile home.
So last night I set out to try it again, it had gotten cooler so I didn’t have to wait as late to be comfortable. Started out and got my first 8 minutes in again. Then when I started my second interval, I barely made it to 3 minutes before I almost yacked. I had a horrible stabbing pains again in my right side, so quit and hobbled home. As I got closer I decided to run the last 2 minutes to finish off 1.5 miles. Not sure what my deal is. Think it’s the 8 minute interval that’s sucking all the life out of me and that it will get better? I hope so. I’m kinda stuck in the middle of ‘Why the eff can’t I keep going, my time is getting slower not faster’ and ‘Hey you just ran 8 minutes-you rock. Remember how hard it was when you ran for 3 minutes?’. Hope I can find a happy medium soon.
Anyway, here are my results from weigh-in this morning:
Tada! Another loss…I’m thrilled, especially since I will probably not see a loss next week as there will be good eating and drinking going on this coming weekend with friends! Can’t wait! We do have a run planned for Saturday morning, that is if I can keep up with the 2 gazelles that are coming over! Otherwise it will be a nice relaxing weekend, the weather is supposed to be beautiful and I can’t wait to have some girl time! Woohoo for Buckeye Retreat!!!