Grace Mae you are EIGHT months old!
You weigh 16 lbs now!
We haven't measured you ,but I think you are
about the same height, about 25 inches long.
You are in 6 month clothes and wear a size 3 diaper.
Oh and you finally fit into your shoes!
You wore a pair of size 2 black patent leather tipped shoes!
They look so cute on you! I think you will have tiny feet like your momma. (I'm in a 5.5 or 6)
You love to wave! You and Daddy go to the door when I'm leaving for lunch
and you are obviously waving at me!
Its more of a whole arm wave, but I know that you are intentionally
doing it as you watch me pull out the driveway! Its the only good part about leaving.
You started saying MOM this month!
It was the sweetest thing I ever heard!
The first time I heard you say it was on January 18th, 2011.
You were on daddy's lap and I was getting ready to nurse you at lunch.
You said "Mom Mom Mom".
I looked at your dad, and he said "She's talking to you".
I instantly got teary!
You also did your first sign that week!
Just 3 days later on January 21st, you signed for "milk".
And now you do it all the time, mostly with your right hand.
Sometimes I think you actually want milk,
other times you just like doing it andshowing me.
I'm trying to teach you "more" next,
but you haven't picked upon that just yet. We'll keep trying!
You have had a rough few weeks with waking up
multiple times during the night.
Your normal 8 hour stretch is now broken into 2-3 hour chunks
and you are even nursing a few times when you wake.
Of course I don't mind getting up with you, you are so stinkin cute,
but its kinda waring on me in the mornings.
So if you could push thru this little growth spurt,
and go back to sleeping thru the night, we would appreciate it.
I know you would wake up happier too!
You are doing great with eating solids.
You eat sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, and green beans,
and love pears, peaches, apples and bananas!
You like banana Mum-Mums but don't love them.
So we thought we would try the sweet potato puffs
since you gobble down your sweet potatoes!
As you can tell from the above face, you weren't an instant fan!
I think the sweetness and solid form took you by surprise!
Now you have done a complete 180...and love them!
If I don't get them on your tray fast enough, you scream for more!
You are my little peanut. My ray of sunshine. My little boobah. My silly monkey.
I have tons of nicknames for you.
The only common theme is that you are mine.
And for that I thank God every night!
We love you Grace Mae!