What cozy place in your home are you thankful for?
When we first bought our house, we made one of the extra rooms a guest/hubby's closet room
and the other a guest/computer room.
When we found out we were having a baby, the hubby's closet had to get moved and made into the nursery.
It was amazing to get it all done and see it transform from a dark room
that we hardly ever spent time in to a light airy room full of hopes and dreams.
We spent more time in that room during my pregnancy than we had the previous 4 years that we lived there.
You could often find us, meaning all of us....dogs included....sitting in there practicing my breathing for labor
or talking about what we wanted to hang on the walls.
It was a nice place to end the day and just enjoy being together.
It has easily turned into my favorite room in the house.
It is warm, cozy and comforting.
I hope Grace loves it as much as I do!