September 12, 2011

Three Months

Grace Mae - you are THREE months old!!! 
You weigh 10 lbs and 6 oz lbs and are 23 inches long
You are wearing mostly 3 months clothes, some newborn outfits still fit, but not many.
(look at that adorable tutu Miss Natalie got you-wasn't that sweet of her!)
You wear a size 1 diaper. 
You have been doing so good at sleeping thru the night the last month! You go to bed between 10-11 at night and stir a little about 4am, but then put yourself back to sleep. I wake you at 6 to feed you before I leave for work. You have no problems falling right back asleep afterwards. Daddy says you normally sleep until about 9:30 on most days. Daddy says that you are starting to nap less than you did last month, on most days you will take maybe a half hour before lunch and another small one in late afternoon. I think you have been catnapping more after I get home from work and feed you your dinner. Maybe its just being nursed again, but you drift off pretty easy about 6ish. You are such a happy baby. You wake up with a smile and your face lights up when you see me or your daddy! It warms my heart!
You are eating about every 2 and a half hours. Some days you will want another ounce or two from your bottle. But you get plenty from me in the evenings. That is when you like to camp out on momma. I don't mind, I miss you tons during the day! You have started trying to pull yourself up when you are in your bouncer chair, when we have it elevated to have you sit up more we have to buckle you in! You are working those abs girl!  You have started to lean more towards the side sometimes when you play on your playmat, but haven't rolled over yet. I am thinking you might do that in the next month or so.
I thought that you mumbled a few words over the last few weeks, but it was probably me wanting to hear something then you actually saying it because I haven't heard it since then. First, it sounded like you said "EM" one day, which is what we call Emma sometimes. Then sometimes I think you say "HEY", which is funny because when you start to fuss I am always saying "Hey there little girl what's the fuss about?". Then another time I swore I heard you say "MOM" when I was doing dishes and you were watching from your bouncer. I freaked out and kinda started getting teary, then you looked at me like I was crazy. I hope you say it again soon!
Mommy went back to work this month, which was really hard to do. The first few days I cried when I left. The next few days, I cried when I went back after lunch. Then I cried when I was listening to some music that we listened to while I was home. I'm doing better now, I don't cry when I leave. You and Daddy greet me at the door when I come home for lunch. You have a big smile most days for me, unless you just woke up then you are kinda groggy but breakout the smile soon after.  You meet me when I come home too. It really makes me feel good to see the smile on your face, like you somehow know that I feel guilty about leaving you all day long. But I know that you are having a good time with daddy and slowly getting him wrapped tight around your little finger. He adores you and is amazed at how much you are changing these days.
You are starting to grow and your features are starting to change. 
You are not a newborn anymore, you are now officially an infant.
Hold me. That kinda makes me wanna cry. But keep on growing little one! 
You are beautiful and light up our lives!
We love you!

*It's Monday and I'm being "Miss Elaine-ous" over at The Miss Elaine-ous Life!
Go check out who else linked up!


Mrs. Cline said...

Aww, pretty little girl! Grace, you're getting so big! Mendie, she is gorgeous!!

Kirsten said...

She is getting so big, Mendie! I love her eyes.

Bari said...

I can't believe she's 3 months old already! So incredibly cute and expressive :)

Elaine A. said...

She is just such a doll baby! I wish I could love on her. So many great pics of her, Mendie. And cute clothes. You dress her so cute too! :D

So, is your hubby a Stay at home Dad? I love that!

ClumsyMommy said...

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Roo said...

I seriously adore her. You are one blessed mama! xo

Roo said...

PS: The deleted comment was me signed in on my old blog account. Oops!

Jenny said...

She is beautiful! I love the collages!

Tiffany S said...

She is so sweet!

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