***In the midst of everything, I realized I had this post saved in draft status and never posted it. Oops! So before I post our birth story, I thought I would go ahead and post this last letter to our baby before she was born. Stay tuned for how Miss Grace was brought into this world later this week***
Dear Baby Grace,
Dear Baby Grace,
Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for...we will be going to the hospital to meet you! Since it doesn't seem like you are in a big hurry to make your way out before you get too big, the doctor is ready to get things rolling at 4:45 in the morning. I'm sure that it will be scary for both of us, but the end goal is to get you here safely and sometimes we need a push in the right direction. So we are going to induce labor in the morning to get Mommy's body ready to help push you out!
I said a prayer the other night before our doctors appointment. I know that God is aware of what my body is capable of and that if he wanted you to come into this world naturally then I knew that my body would be able to get thru it, if it turned out that you were too big and we had to bring you into this world by c-section, then I was fine with that too. And at our appointment it was decided that we would try to get you here naturally. So there is someone up there that knows how you are supposed to be born, and I'm just thankful to have a knowledgeable doctor who won't push things too far if he thinks you are in danger.
I can't wait to finally meet you tomorrow....we have been waiting a long time to hold you in our arms. Not just the 10 months that I carried you in my belly, but in the years that we waited to have you. I know that you will just be perfect. And I hope that I can make you the happiest baby ever! We are all new at this parenting thing, just like you are new at this baby thing. So please be patient with me while I learn your cues and get better at trying to predict what you are going to want or need before you try to tell me. I know it will get easier with time, but at first Mommy might be a little confused.
I apologize in advance for any screaming or crying that I may do tomorrow before you make your way out of my tummy. They tell me its gonna hurt more than anything that I can imagine, so I'm sure that its gonna take everything that I have to push thru it. But just remember...Mommy isn't yelling at you. Its not your fault and I hope you don't remember any of it if it stressful at all. But you are so worth it and to be able to hold you and look into your eyes at the end of this amazing process is something that I was fearful that I would never get to experience. What a blessing we are about to receive!
We are about to start an amazing journey together!
We love you to the moon and back! See you tomorrow sweetheart!