May 19, 2011

37 wks

How Far Along am I: 37 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a watermelon

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 35 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes, thank goodness

 Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: She has been moving alot more in the mornings than she used to. Still rolling from side to side, which I love to watch! Who would have thought it would make me smile to stare at my belly for so long each night after dinner?

Sleep:I am doing alright with the sleeping. Normally I fall asleep on the couch watching tv with my husband, while Emma rests on what is left of my lap that she can fit on. Then I go upstairs and manage to get some shut eye between my trips to the bathroom which is roughly every 2 hours at this point. But I'm sleeping good when I go back to bed, so that makes it easier.

What I miss:Having multiple shoe choices. And not being out of breathe after climbing the stairs.

Cravings: Back to ice cream this week. Butter Pecan to be exact. Oh and lemon iced tea...which I NEVER drank before. I've splurged on a few of those this week.

Symptoms: I mentioned the swelling, but besides that and the tightening of the tummy, I haven't really had too many problems. I have occasional heartburn right before bed, but mostly its gone from the daylight hours. This week I have had some dull pains in my lower right side, thinking its maybe due to her dropping a little and getting ready to make her way into the world!

Measurements: Zero Dilation and effacement. She's not in any rush to leave the womb.

 Best Moment this week: It would be a toss up between getting back and foot rubs from my husband on multiple nights. He is so wonderful about taking care of me when I am achy. I'm a lucky girl.  This week was my first internal check at the doctors (not fun at all btw) and also the first time I will start seeing him weekly.  This made me realize just how close I am to having this baby! 
3 weeks! Wow this last trimester has flown by. I had my first strong contraction today at work, which was my second all together, last Saturday I had a short one after a long day of shopping. But today was a real sign that I need to start slowing down a bit and not pushing myself if I want to keep calm and let my body tell me when things are going to be happening.


Elaine A. said...

Oh, I'm getting SO excited for you!! That color is stunning on you by the way. Just a little bit longer before you get to hold your sweet baby! YAY!!! :D

Stillmary said...

You look wonderful and I'm getting excited for you too! It won't be long now!

jaime said...

Gorgeous! And I agree with Elaine - Love that color on you!!

Brooke said...

getting so close! EEEEEEEE {{{mendie & baby g}}}

Bari said...

I am so excited for you and cannot wait until I get that text that you are headed to the hospital. ((hugs to you, baby G and big G)). Love you girl and miss you terribly!

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