April 29, 2011

34 wks

How Far Along am I: 34 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a large cantaloupe

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 30 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes, thank goodness

 Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: The little sweetie has been moving around a lot more this week. Seems like she is most active in the mornings and after dinner. Started to feel rolls from side to side more,
so hopefully she has a favorite spot.

Sleep: Next question. Sleeping well, but having trouble falling asleep after I get up at 3AM.
Rolling more often to get comfortable.

What I miss: Shoes that fit, my regular size ankles and not being out of breathe when I walk up the stairs.

Cravings: Still loving the burgers, but this week I've really wanted pop tarts. Not sure why the sugar cravings have popped back up, but I could literally eat a pack of cherry pop tarts every morning.

Symptoms: The swelling, oh the swelling! It now sometimes greets me in the morning, but most times doesn't make an appearance until after work. I've been having some Braxton Hicks contractions and feel my stomach tighten, mostly in the evenings. Need to start slowing down and not making sudden movements as I have been experiencing some muscle like pulls on the sides on my lower tummy. Take it easy lady!

Best Moment this week: Been a pretty calm week, but this week I would have to say it would be feeling her move so much after a brief scare Monday morning. She took her time and didn't get her 10 kicks in until 5 hours! Had my BP checked (normal at 103/70) and laid on my side in the clinic for a bit, and she finished but it was scary wondering why she was so quiet. I think maybe she was worn out from the weekend as well!

April 27, 2011

You Capture-Pink

When we found out we were having a little girl, I instantly found myself drawn to all things pink!
Not EVERYTHING would have to be pink, but it was clear from early on, 
that lots of stuff would be pink. 
Pink is calming yet powerful. Loving yet independent. 
Pink just feels good and makes me want to hug!

Final touches to the nursery are being done this week, so I will be sharing that soon.
Until then, here is a little sneak peak into our little girls room.
Feel the love. Feel the calm. Feel the pink.

April 26, 2011

Dear Baby Girl

Dear Baby Girl,
Hello my sweet little girl! This weekend was Easter, as you can see by the picture of Mommy and Daddy below, Mommy looked like she was smuggling her own Easter Egg!  I can not believe that in just 6 and a half weeks, you will be here with us! I kept thinking of how cute you will be next year in your Easter Dress!
I got your daddy a little Easter Basket with some of his favorite candy, but was thinking the whole time about how fun it would be for both of us to make and hide your Easter Basket next year! I'm sure there will be a cute toy or stuffed animal and probably a book and maybe some little snacks for you. Although you will not have any idea what you are doing, you will probably participate in an Easter Egg hunt with your little cousins. This will be more for Mommy and Daddy to enjoy probably, but just humor us and act like you are having fun, mkay?

Your room is *almost* finished. The last piece should be completed by this weekend. We find ourselves sitting in that room so much already. Mommy sits in the glider, sometimes with Miss Emma on her ever-shrinking lap, and Daddy is on the floor laying with Miss Ellie. We either practice our lamaze breathing or talk about some of the things we need to get done in the next month before you arrive. Its such a calming room, I really hope that you feel safe and happy when you are in there like we do. 

As I sit in your room and rub my belly, I feel you move and push around.  I close my eyes take a deep breathe and smile. I smile for the little girl that will soon be playing on the carpet with Daddy. I smile for the little girl that I will be rocking to sleep in that chair. I smile for the hope and love that you have brought to our family, and can't wait to have you here with us. Just 6 short weeks little one. Until then, keep growing and maturing....push and stretch wherever you need to. Mommy doesn't mind at all...and it scares me when you are too calm. So keep on dancing! Daddy likes to watch and feel Mommy's tummy move too, so be sure to move extra when you hear him close by!

Remember we adore you to the moon and back already!
Mommy and Daddy

April 22, 2011

33 wks

How Far Along am I: 33 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a honeydew

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 30 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes please!

 Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: She has been moving all the time, and lately almost seems to be doing the conga in my tummy.  I had to start counting her movements this week and so far its been between 3-4 hours to get to 10 movements, but the first half of those happen in the first hour.  She's getting close to kicking my ribs but hasn't done any damage yet!

Sleep: Not the best, but I am getting sleep. It's probably worse for my husband who is a light sleeper so my tossing and turning is probably starting to get annoying.

What I miss: Bending over and ice cream and sweets. I have been really good lately.

Cravings: Still loving the hamburgers. I'm taking iron supplements so maybe I'm just needing more from red meat, I don't really know. But I can't seem to get enough!

Symptoms: The swelling has continued and by the time I get home from work my ankles have turned into lite kankles. Not too much in my face that I notice yet, but the extremities are starting to feel it. But on a side note, Miss G had her first case of real hiccups this week. It kinda freaked me out a little bit, she would have like 5 hiccup, then stretch and my tummy would move from round to almost oval...then she would repeat the process.I felt bad but I know its a normal part of her growing and learning to suck.

Best Moment this week: Hands down it would have to be getting the main decal done in the nursery.  My husband did a great job, I assisted by handing him the elements to apply, we are both so pleased with how it turned out.  Hopefully the last piece will be done next week and we can share it with you!

April 14, 2011

32 wks

How Far Along am I: 32 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a squash

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained just shy of 30 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes please!

 Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: The last week she has shifted and now moves from left to right and sometimes hangs out in the middle. I have started feeling her kick me a little higher and even think she took a jab at my ribs the other day!

Sleep: Uh, not so good. starting to realize that whatever side she moves to suddenly becomes uncomfortable and I have to switch. My arm has been falling asleep more often. And last night I think she got the hiccups about 4am, so that kinda freaked me out and kept me up a bit.

What I miss: Bending over and sleeping on my tummy. And wine. I could have used a glass of wine last week after working for 14 + hrs.

Cravings: Lately its been SONIC. Loving me some burgers and tater tots. I've even opted for unsweetened tea instead of soda to help keep the sugar down. The pellet ice makes it all worth it!

Symptoms: This has been a pretty good week, with the exception of being more tired and feeling some tightness in my sides. I'm sure it's just growing pains and not contractions. My bump has grown so much in the past 2 weeks I know its getting snug in there for her. Some swelling in my feet after a long day at work.

Best Moment this week: Besides finding out last week that I passed my glucose test, I would have to say its been watching her move around in my tummy. Daddy was able to see her kick pretty easily the other da, so that's been exciting to watch his reaction. The nursery is almost complete, just waiting for the valance and decal and I'll be sharing her room with you.
We started Lamaze this week, so its getting serious folks...she will be arriving in just 8 wks!

April 6, 2011

The 3 hour glucose test...not my idea of fun

As you may recall, I failed the 1 hour glucose test with a score of 147. You needed to be under 140 to pass. So this meant that I had to go thru a 3 hour test. We decided to do this on Friday morning. So I took the whole day off work just in case I felt drained like I did with the 1 hour test.

I had to fast for 12 hours before the test, so my last food was ingested was about 7:15 Thursday night. Only water from there on until they took my fasting blood draw at 7:30.  I then had to drink a 100mg bottle of the tasty glucose drink.

Yeah, remember how I said the 1 hr drink wasn't bad and kinda tasted like melted popsiscles? Well this one was twice as strong, so it wasn't as pleasant. I now understand the coating people are talking about feeling on their teeth...it was like syrup. But I guzzled it down in the 5 minute window and the waiting began.

I felt fine during that first hour, maybe a slight "rush" about half way thru but nothing too noticeable. The tech called me back and I had my #2 blood draw done. Felt fine during and after that. So I went back to the waiting room to sit by hubby and actually kinda felt a little sleepy. About 15 minutes later, I started feeling a little light headed and like the room was starting to spin. I lifted my head up from his shoulder and started noticing that I felt a little warm. He looked over and asked if I was ok. I told him I was kinda feeling a little woozy. He got me a wet paper towel to hold to my face to cool me off. I took some deep breaths and the sounds of the room including my husband talking to me started fading out a little bit. I was like, I'm not feeling well at all,a little lightheaded like I'm gonna pass out.

Just then my mouth started salivating like I was going to puke. Then I got really warm and he said I was as pale as the walls. I said yeah, I don't feel right at all. So I asked him if he could walk me to the bathroom bcause I was thinking I was going to hurl. He slowly stood me up and walked me back their. I told him if I wasn't out in a few minutes to come check on me in case I passed out.

I shut the door and immediatly stripped off my shirt layer and just stood there with my tanktop on. I put a little more cold water on my face and kept spitting out the saliva that was building up in my mouth. It popped in my head, if I get sick...I'm gonna have to do this all over again. I felt bad enough having to make the baby go thru all this with me, if I was feeling this bad, I wonder how she was feeling? So I just  took some more deep breaths and applied more water to my face and pushed thru it.

I walked back to the waiting room, still in my lovely tank top mind you and kinda stood there for a minute before sitting down. Once I sat down, the warmness started coming back so I got another towel to try to cool myself down. I slowly started feeling better, but decided to keep the towel and tanktop combo going since it was working so well. I had about 10 minutes before my next draw when hubs snapped this picture. Britney Spears anyone?
 So I was nervous how I would do with the next blood draw (that would be #3 if anyone is counting) given the near pass out I had just encountered.  It actually went ok and I walked back to the waiting room to begin the next hour of waiting.  Started getting a little warm about 45 minutes thru that hour, but reapplied the cool compress and ended up feeling better pretty quick. Last and final blood draw #4 was up, and besides my vein feeling like a pin cushion, I was ok. Yeah, it left a mark....4 actually. This was when we got in the car....me thinks it will end up bruising, do you agree?
I quickly took a drink of water since I wasn't allowed any since I started the stupid test and was able to get some of the  sugar taste out of my mouth. I then had a spoonful of peanut butter to hold me over until we grabbed some lunch. The tech said I might want to try to eat something if I felt like it and I was like, ya think? I'm 8 months pregnant and haven't had food for 15 hours....hell yeah I'm going to eat something! So we got in the car and went directly to Burger King (my choice). The flame broiled goodness smelled so good, I had made a good choice.  So although I was ravenous by this time, I was actually only about to eat about half my sandwich and fries and had to take the other half home. Which I finished about 2 hours later after napping on the way home.  Gad that I took the whole day off, not my idea of how to spend a vacation day, but it was nice not to have to focus on numbers.
I am so thankful that my husband went with me and stayed the whole time. What if I had been alone when I started to feel like I was going to pass out and the tech was with another patient? Scary. I had told him he could leave to go grab some breakfast before my little episode, but he hadn't felt like it yet. And once I got lightheaded he wasn't leaving my side. What a great guy!

I had my bi-weekly checkup yesterday and the dr said that my sugar levels were fine, so yeah I passed!  He did want me to cut out sweets and added sugar as a preventative measure. He said my pancreas was keeping up fine now, but he didn't want to make it work overtime in the final home stretch. So although there is no diagnosis, I am cutting out ice cream and nutty bars and whatever other sweet treat I have been enjoying too many of lately. Its all good for the baby, so I don't mind sacrificing for a few months!

April 4, 2011

Our 3D/4D Ultrasound

I can't believe that the time had finally come...we were 30 wks and it was time to get our 3D/4D ultrasound and get a sneak peek at our little girl! My husband was with me, he hasn't missed any appointments during my pregnancy which I am so thankful for. And we invited my Grandma as she is so excited about this baby.
I am so lucky to have her want to be so involved in this whole experience with me!

They had suggested drinking a little OJ before our appointment to get her moving, as sometimes little ones can just sleep and be faced away and never be seen. So I drank about half a small bottle (you know convenient store size) and hoped for the best.  We got in, got propped up on the table, bared my tummy and got lubed up.  She first pulled up the 2D side view and we once again got to see the cute little nose and view we had seen a few times before. Then she switched it to the 4D view. Wowza....what a difference!

The first shot they got was a butt shot, so we got the quick confirmation that she indeed is a girl. The tech moved the wand around until she found her face curled up on my left side using my placenta for a pillow it seemed.

Hello little girl! So nice to see your cute little face!
Are you gonna move around for Momma? And boy did she hear my request! She was moving all over the place! She had her feet up by her head most of the time and would be kicking the umbilical cord to and fro. Her head is down, so that's a good thing, and confirmed why most of the movement seems to be lower, she is curled up most of the time. She even at one point kicked herself in the head, that girl has some muscles already! It was awesome to see her move around and even open her eyes from time to time.

She was kinda shy towards the beginning annd if it wasn't her feet up in her face, she had her hands on the side of her cheek.
She kept sucking on her fingers and playing with her cheeks.
Then decided just to put her whole fist in her mouth.
We did manage to get a little half grin out of her. I'm betting she's gonna have an ornery streak in her!
The tech ended up trying for a little longer than our allotted time to try to get her feet out of the way, so her cord would go down so we could get a clearer picture of her face, but she wasn't interested and eventually started almost getting fussy and had an "I'm getting annoyed" face. It was adorable, but then I felt bad for bothering her so we said we were good with seeing what we had.
Soon after that, she yawned and we knew it was time to head home. We both were beat!
What an amazing thing, we both were so happy we got to get a glimpse at the miracle that is happening inside of me! We think she will have my nose and chin, I'm thinking my husbands forehead and not sure about the chubby cheeks....those may have been from both of us!

She is beautiful and now when I feel her moving around, I can picture her in there and the expressions she must be having and it makes it seem even more real then it had before, it that is possible for being 8 months pregnant! I can't wait to meet her in 2 short months....and tell her how beautiful she is in person!

April 2, 2011

30 wks

How Far Along am I: 30 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a head of lettuce

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 25 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: Everything below the waist, a few larger shirts from before are still making an appearance

 Gender: It's a GIRL!

Movement: She has been moving lots mostly on my left side, i think she likes that side better for some reason

Sleep: This is getting more difficult. While the number of times I am getting up in the middle of the night has decreased, normally the final time I get up, which is about 4-5am, is proving hard to fall back asleep

What I miss: Bending over easily and sleeping on my tummy.

Cravings: This week hasn't really brought any cravings, I'm filling up so much quicker with meals, I have no room for dessert.I failed my 1 hour glucose test and had to retake my 3 hour test yesterday so maybe that's making me steer clear from the sugary treats too.

Symptoms: This week I have felt pretty good overall, had a few of what I am thinking were Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in the week in the afternoon at work.  Almost felt like someone made me uterus into a fist real quick and then let go..did that twice and then was done.Otherwise, heartburn has been at a minimal and no backaches this week! Yeah baby girl, thank you!

Best Moment this week: It would have to be going to our 4D ultrasound on Thursday afternoon (separate post to follow with some pics). It was amazing getting to see her close up and watch her move around. I still get tears in my eyes when we watch the DVD! Simply amazing. It was a surreal experience and now I can't quit picturing her when I feel her kick me now. And the US confirmed that day that she is indeed a girl, so yeah for team pink!