February 7, 2011
What do I really need to put on my baby registry?
I mean I'm sure I'll use a wipe warmer every.single.day right? (can you see my eyes rolling?)
But then the rational part of me who tends to be frugal or a penny pincher wonders if I REALLY need to put it on there. Will I use it or is it just like the one kitchen accessory that I thought I HAD TO HAVE that is currently gathering dust in my lazy susan?
Even if I'm not paying for it, I hate to have someone else waste their money on something that isn't necessary.
So this is where you come in....recent new moms of cuddly babies. I've got a few questions for you....can you help me with my registry???
1) Bottles. What brand, style and sizes should I start my collection with? I plan on breastfeeding, but will have to pump when I go back to work. There are so many types and styles and nipple sizes....what does everyone use?
2) Diapers. We will be going the disposable route so who wins the diaper war in your house....Pampers or Huggies? Or is the Sams Club brand just as good?
3) Baby Mattress. I know we need a certain size to fit our crib, but if given the option which is better coil or foam? I've read anything over 150 coils is firm enough. What type did your baby love?
4) Any other must haves that you wish you would have had (or wanted more of) when you brought your little one home? Is it true you can not have enough burp cloths?
5) Anything that you had and never used or thought was a waste of money? Like above mentioned wipe warmer perhaps?
Its such a hard thing, even though it is fun! I am trying to find that happy medium between only registering for stuff I've seen at new moms houses when I visit and overloading my registry with all the "suggested" items. Thank you all for your help, me and baby girl appreciate it!
- Adventures In Babywearing said...
I suggest a baby sling and when we're not doing cloth we like the Target diapers just fine!
I'd go for "less is more" - you don't want a ton of gear cluttering the house and can get by with much less than most people recommend!
Steph -
February 7, 2011 at 9:27 AM
- CraftGirlAlli said...
You are going to get so many different answers!! But...here is what worked for us...
1) Bottles: We had some of the Playtex Ventair and then just the regular Wal-Mart brand. both worked fine for us.
2) Diapers: Pampers didn't work for us. Always leaked. We used Huggies until about 6 months and then I started just buying the Wal-Mart or Target brands...and in my opinion, they worked better!
3) Baby Mattress: I have no idea what we have...we just bought one that was on sale :)
4) Any other must haves that you wish you would have had (or wanted more of) when you brought your little one home? Is it true you can not have enough burp cloths?
-We had a gazillion burp cloths. they get stained so easily...we were constantly buying more! A good stroller. We were tight on money and bought a cheapo...never again! Spending a little extra is definitely worth it when it comes to a stroller!
5) Anything that you had and never used or thought was a waste of money? Like above mentioned wipe warmer perhaps?
-Never had a wipe warmer and we survived! I personally thought a diaper genie was a waste of money. Something I would have never survived without...was the Fisher Price Soothing Motion Glider...life saver! OMG! I will never get rid of mine because I want it for future babies! We used a boppy quite a bit too.
Good luck! And don't stress over the registry too much! GIFT CARDS! ask for those if you can't decide! That way you can buy what you need along the way! -
February 7, 2011 at 9:48 AM
- Christie O. said...
oh yay! registering!! i have to tell you, the first time I went to register, i ran out of there crying literally because there was too much to know. so if you're like me, go when you're calm and don't feel like you have to know about everything ok?
that being said, here are my faves: I loved the Playtex dropin system for bottles! And if you have to pump, the inserts fit any pump. I like it because you can toss the inserts, you only have to clean the nipples. As far as mattresses, I went with whatever was cheapest in Babies R Us and I think it was the babies r us brand. Pampers was better for my first because he leaked through the huggies, but for the second, any old diaper would do, so sometimes i think that one is trial and error based on shape of the baby. but i loved the price of luvs and huggies better than the price of pampers that's for sure! i second the sling, I LOVED having the sling, especially when we were out and about when the baby was really little, that way no one could touch or cough on him. and he always slept in it all snuggie and it was easy to be handsfree. I think the diaper genie was helpful at first but really we ended up putting the diaper in a disposable bag and tossing it straight in the trash after a while anyway because that thing gets raunchy! we didn't even get a genie for the 2nd baby. never had a wipe warmer and i think the biggest waste was the bottle sterilizer since the top rack of a dishwasher will do.
I LOVED the bottle WARMER however, because when i was having trouble nursing, my husband could stick the bottle in the warmer and do a night feeding and let me sleep. I had the one from "first years" the night and day one, it was awesome.
February 7, 2011 at 10:12 AM
- jaime said...
My best friend (who has two girls) loved the Babies R Us diapers. She went the Pampers and Huggies route with both girls, and one worked for one girl (and the other worked for her second girl.) Every baby is different, and I suspect if you get a variety of diapers, you'll be starting off on the right step and can figure out which one works best for your little one. :)
And I think a sling or carrier is a great idea.
Oh, and my friend also found the diaper genie to be a waste of money. She just used grocery bags - less stuff gathering and smelling up the room. -
February 7, 2011 at 11:08 AM
- Bari said...
I know I'm not a recent new mom, but since I got the two-fer I thought I'd chime in. We loved, loved, loved the tri-fold cloth diapers - but not as diapers but to use as burp clothes. D could spew like a champ and they sopped up everything (we usually bought them at target or meijer). Also, we absolutely loved our Peg Perego Prima Pappa high chairs. They lasted through my 2 kids, my SIL's kids and my sister's kids. One finally died and my sister sold the other one at a yard sale. Expensive but so worth it.
As for diapers, we used the Pampers preemie ones for awhile, but then would just buy whatever was on sale.
Never used the wipe warmer and we used cheap bottles.
Happy "shopping"! -
February 7, 2011 at 11:23 AM
- Jamee @ A New Kind of Normal said...
1) Bottles - We used Dr. Brown's bottles and while they did wonders for Abby's gas issues, by the time we were done with bottles I was ready to pitch them all as there are so many parts to clean! But they are good bottles.
2) Diapers - We are Luvs fans! They have worked better than any others! We do use Huggies Overnights (since Luvs doesn't have an overnight diaper) now that Abby is bigger and pees a gallon.
3) Baby Mattress - Ours is a coil mattress. It is a Sealy and we got it at Big Lots for a lot cheaper than we saw it elsewhere. Abby is now in a toddler bed and still using it!
4) Any other must haves that you wish you would have had (or wanted more of) when you brought your little one home? Is it true you can not have enough burp cloths? Definitely a sling or a wrap! I wore Abby a lot when we first brought her home so that I could get some things done while holding her. She still likes to be worn as a toddler. And yes its true that you can never have enough burp clothes or bibs! -
February 7, 2011 at 4:51 PM
- Ace said...
It's been a while but I do remember this one thing... Huggies and pampers both leaked for us and Luvs gave LD a rash. Walmart diapers were the best we could find back then!
February 7, 2011 at 5:49 PM
- Mommy Elephant Sarah said...
Funny how a brand of diaper works for one but not the other.
Hate huggies. They always leak on Max, but I love Pampers Dry Max. They NEVER leak.
I tried the Target brand, but M kept getting diaper rash with them, so I'd stop and use Pampers and rash went away. Wasn't a fluke, when I ran out of Pampers once I used the rejected Target ones and rash came back.
Bottles... Well I breastfeed, and then became an exclusive pumper. I tried different bottles (forget which ones) but in the end Max preferred the Medula ones (or whatever that brand is... the same brand for the pump), so that's all I used.
May I suggest when buying a stroller, check to make sure the handle height is good for you. David and I are kinda tall, and we have gone through many strollers. I found out that handle height was an issue and also the size of the basket below was important too. I didn't find this out till later since I've never had a baby. So ya..big basket is good. We actually own 5 strollers how sick is that?
Never owned a bottle warmer or baby wipe warmer.
Burp clothes... every baby is different. Max didn't throw up that much, so I didn't need that many. Some babies throw up every meal.
I LOVE my diaper genie. Keeps poo smell diapers away unless you don't push that diaper all the way down. I can always tell when my husband just puts it in without pushing it all the way. Otherwise it does a great job of getting rid of that smell. Love it.
Okay I've been sitting here trying to think of other stuff but going blank. It has had me reminiscing about baby Max. Awwww.
Is the wait killing you yet?? You're going to be a great mother!
:) -
February 9, 2011 at 3:46 AM
- Johanna said...
1. I use Avent. Dr. Brown had too many parts. And she eventually took the Avent bottles okay. I say eventually because she fought the bottle for 8 weeks after I went back to work. But I think she would have fought any type of bottle. She just wanted me.
2. I use Target brand diapers. I used Pampers Swaddlers when she was a newborn, because they're so soft. But Target works just fine now.
3. I bought an organic coil mattress.
4. Other must-haves, water-proof pads that you can put down in the crib or on the changing table. Easier to pick those up and wash them rather than washing the sheets every time she spits up or poops. Fable also LOVED her bouncer seat, so I would recommend one of those. I also used the Boppy pillow a lot. For nursing, and then to support her when she started sitting.
5. Personally, I thought the wipe warmer was a waste of money. Also, I did not get a diaper genie. We take the trash out often enough that it didn't seem necessary. We bought a Bumbo, but I think we could have lived without it.
If I think of any other must-haves, I'll let you know. Every mom will have different tips. I know it's overwhelming, and hard to figure out what will be best for you, but don't worry about it too much.
Good luck! -
February 9, 2011 at 9:21 AM
- Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...
Long sleeve, white onesies in every size. Best thing ever. Fleece sleepers, in every size. (zips in the middle of the night are much easier!)
Bottles, it's hard to say, every baby is so different.
Love Pampers and Avent bottles.
I've never used a Diaper Genie or a Diaper Wipe warmer a day in my life. So far, no complaints... -
February 9, 2011 at 10:32 AM
- Tiffany S said...
Wow - looking at the comments, everyone has differing opinions on diapers and bottles! We have bottles from Avent and Born Free, but our baby likes the bottles that came with the Medela pump best, but I think it varies for every baby. I have a friend who swears by Dr. Brown's bottles. Don't buy too many and then let your baby decide what she likes. Also, speaking of Medela, their pump is the best. But I wish I would have paid the extra money for the hands-free version. I got mine on Ebay for less, though.
As far as diapers, my son leaked right through the Huggies newborns. every. single. time. Pampers work best. But honestly, we use Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers, and they work better for us than the other diapers. I say buy a package of each brand and compare.
I don't use burb cloths or bibs at all right now. Sammy is only 3 months old, but he's not a puker. So, if your baby doesn't spit up much, you won't need many. Register for a few, and if you need more, you can get more later.
I got my crib (with mattress) from Kirsten, so I have no idea what kind it is. I do recommend waterproof pads that you can put down in the crib, though. That way if you have a leaky diaper you don't have to change the sheet. Changing the sheet is a royal pain in the butt. You don't want to change it any more than necessary. That said, don't get mattress pads - too much of a pain to change that AND the sheet. I don't even use the ones I got. Oh, and the bedding I got at Babies R Us fell apart the first time I washed it. I highly recommend Pottery Barn Kids. You can find sets on Ebay for a lot less, and it'll withstand anything I've been told.
Um, as far as the diaper warmer, I have one (my aunt decided I needed one), but we use cloth wipes to go with our cloth diapers, so we don't use it. We used it the first couple weeks until we switched to cloth and then unplugged it and put it away.
My baby love, loves the vibrating bouncy chair. I would never get a shower without it. I used the Boppy a little when he was first born, but now that he's a little older, I love the Bumbo. If I had a choice to do it again, I would have gotten a high chair that straps to a regular chair instead of one that stands alone. But I haven't used it yet, so I don't know for sure. Also, strollers and car seats are worth the money - get a good one. Don't register for clothes. You'll get so many, you won't know what to do. And you'll end up exchanging half the 0-3 month ones, because that's all you'll get. People like buying little clothes for some reason. What else? A bottle sterilizer is a waste of money. The dishwasher is fine. My son likes the swing pretty good too. Oh, but he doesn't really like the swing but loves the Baby Bjorn - if you can borrow one from a friend first to figure out which your baby likes, that would be nice. They are very expensive! If you have a 2-story house, a Pac N Play with the diaper change station on it is good for dowstairs, so you don't have to haul her upstairs to her room to change a diaper. And my best friend is the glider rocker. I love it. So, anyway, that's a LOT of info. Sorry. But I wish I would have known some of these things when I was registering! HOpe it helps! -
February 9, 2011 at 11:52 AM
- Tiffany S said...
Crap. Just re-read that. I meant that Sammy doesn't like the SLING but loves the Baby Bjorn. He likes the swing just fine. :)
February 9, 2011 at 12:02 PM
- Elaine A. said...
First of all. EVERY baby is different. If you can borrow some things like swings and slings and bouncies, it's best to do that at first because you just DON'T know what they are going to like. Although I do kinda recommend a "bouncy" seat (you know, the ones that lean back and they can make move themselves?) even for early feedings, they are great for that.
And yes, TONS of onesies at first and zipper sleepers are good for those middle of the night diaper changes.
DO NOT get a wipes warmer, they are a waste of money. And we used a diaper genie until about 8 months or so. Once they start eating "real" food their poops get WAY to smelly. Wish I lived closer, I'd just give you the one we are no longer using!
I love Huggies diapers because they don't have a scent. Some people love Pampers because they have a scent but neither me nor my hubs could stand it. I also use the "lower end" Huggies and they are great. RARELY leak.
And the 2 things I think you cannot live without with a baby (besides car seat of course) are a pack and play that is a bassinet at first (you will use the pack and play for travel) and a GOOD stroller with a big basket for shopping trips, vacation, etc. I love my old school Graco although I know they make a lot of fancy ones these days.
Are you planning to pump? If so medela makes the best and you may have to experiment with bottles but we used Avent and loved them. Oh and generic wipes work just as well as name brand.
I think that's about it.... You're getting some great advice here! :) -
February 9, 2011 at 12:47 PM
- Elaine A. said...
Oh and by "early feedings", I meant when the first start eating solids, the bouncy is the best thing to feed them in b/c they usually cannot sit up yet. Also, yes, a Boppy pillow is a MUST! :)
February 9, 2011 at 12:49 PM
- imadramamama said...
For diapers, it's just trial and error. We tried the Walmart ones and Huggies and both kids leaked in them. Pampers is what worked best for us.
I used hand me down bottles from my sister. We went through about 3 nipples before we found one that Jake would use. And of course, 3 more for Emma because she didn't like the one we used for Jake.
We went through burp cloths like they were Kleenex because Jacob had reflux. I second the vote for cloth diapers as burp cloths.
I have no clue what kind of mattress we used, but I'm pretty sure our thought process was "which one's on sale?".
We didn't use a wipe warmer, bottle warmer, or diaper genie. Heck, we didn't even really have bedding. Just sheets, a mattress pad, and waterproof pads for on top of the sheets.
The things we found to be invaluable were the big ticket things. We couldn't live without a good stroller, a good pack and play, and a swing. Oh, and the bouncy chair that Elaine was talking about? I would have been in the loony bin if it weren't for that thing. -
February 9, 2011 at 2:01 PM
- Kate at Big City Belly said...
I used the Dr. Browns bottles and regret it because of all the parts! If your babe has problems with reflux or gas, then try them but don't start out with them.
I also really like our video monitor. Every time she makes a little grunt or sound, you can simply look at the monitor and determined whether you need to go get her. -
February 10, 2011 at 10:05 AM