February 11, 2011
Dear Baby Girl
We passed the 23rd week yesterday! Can you believe there are only 4 months left that you will be in my tummy? That's just 16 weekends until you will be in my arms! Sometimes it seems like its forever away and sometimes it seems like the time will just fly by! It's awesome and I'm loving every minute of it! I hope you are comfortable in there, I've been trying to sit up straighter to give you room to stretch and grow, hopefully that's working out for you.
Daddy took this picture of us last week, I am thinking of putting it in your nursery. I want you to always know that I have daydreamed of this phase of my life for so long, and now I still find myself daydreaming, but it has turned into daydreams about what kind of little person you will be as I rub my belly. Will you have blond curls like your father? Blue eyes like me? Will you giggle alot and be happy with the little things in life? Will your eyes light up when we walk in the room? I think all of these and so much more.
You started to do somersaults in my tummy this week, which has been an amazing feeling! Most of them can be felt either after breakfast or in the evenings when I'm lounging on the couch trying to stay warm in these single digit temps. I have to admit I wasn't sure if you were moving around much since I had just felt little flutters for the last few weeks, but this week I could tell it was really you doing your little dance in there! Keep on dancing little one, I love to feel you are awake in there!
Oh and your crib arrived last week as did the conversion rails so that when you grow up we will have a fill size bed for you. Let me tell you, those rails looked soo long! I was like wow, one day I will have baby that needs a full size bed. Granted it will be YEARS from now, but still it was kinda eye opening to see the length of how big that bed would be. I love it and I hope you will too...I can't wait to get it put together this week!
Both sets of bedding arrived yesterday as well. Yes that's right I said both. See your mommy is a tad bit indecisive (majorly if you ask your father) and wanted to order her top two favorites and see them in your room before she decided on which one would make you the happiest baby. I must admit, just seeing them in the package, I'm leaning towards the second one more and more. We'll see how it looks when we get them on the crib for the big picture.
I find myself patting my tummy almost all the time, hope you can feel the love when I do that, cause you pop in my mind about every 3 minutes and I can't wait for that next somersault! Keep growing and feel free to push or kick if you need more room, I'll do my best to accommodate you!
Remember we adore you to the moon and back already!
- jaime said...
oh I love that photo!!
February 11, 2011 at 9:52 AM
- Crooked Eyebrow said...
So very excited for you!
You look amazing and I can't wait for you to hold her in your arms.
(and to see photos of bedding & goodies) -
February 11, 2011 at 9:52 AM
- Brooke said...
did i know you were having a girl? i feel like everyone i know is pregant so i get confused. :P congrats - you're gonna make a great mommy.
February 11, 2011 at 10:16 AM
- Bari said...
I'm all teary, remembering when D and K used to do somersaults. Enjoy this time so much. It will fly by.
February 11, 2011 at 12:16 PM
- Darcy said...
awww.this is so cute, makes me miss being pregnant!!! happy preggos to you.
February 16, 2011 at 5:20 PM
- Kate at Big City Belly said...
Beautiful photograph. I love how you are documenting your pregnancy!
February 16, 2011 at 10:55 PM
- Christie O. said...
oh that picture just captures so much about how a mommy daydreams about the future with that little bundle, i love it so much! it brings me tears!! beautiful letter, keep writing those so you have something to look back on! love you!
February 17, 2011 at 8:56 PM
- Elaine A. said...
The feelings you have while carrying that first baby are some of the most amazing ones you will ever have in your life. I'm so glad you're writing them out here...
I'm so sad that I no longer have mine. I didn't have a blog at the time and I wrote it all out in WORD. But then our computer crashed and we lost all of it. :( Not sure why I felt the need to share that other than I just want you to know that this will someday mean even more to you and to her too...
xoxo - you are gorgeous. -
February 18, 2011 at 2:48 PM
- Ryan {Southern Pearls} said...
Great picture Mendie! It's absolutely fabulous! :-)
February 21, 2011 at 8:45 PM