February 25, 2011

25 weeks

How Far Along am I: 25 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a eggplant

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 14+ lbs since conception (next appt is Tuesday I'm a little scared to step on the scale- I feel like I've gained 10 lbs since last month)

Maternity Clothes: All of my pants are maternity pants but I can still wear a handful of my regular shirts

 Gender: It's a GIRL! (Having another ultrasound to confirm March 1)

Movement: She has been moving ALOT this last week. I feel little somersaults and jabs or kicks a few times an hour now. Most of the time they tend to be on the left side of my belly. They have slowly started moving their way up my tummy and are currently just under my belly button. If you look really close you can see my tummy move just a bit when she pops me!

Sleep: I have been so tired! Last night I was ready for bed at 9:30. This was after I had almost fallen asleep on the couch watching tv. Still getting up every 2 hours for bathroom breaks, and have been having trouble falling back asleep after the 5am visit. The snoring has continued.
What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy mostly.And now its getting tougher to bend over, putting my socks on is proving to be interesting lately.

Cravings: almost anything, I've been so hungry lately. But at the same time, I can't each much before I'm full. But lately a favorite has been the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad from Wendy's (without the blue cheese). I could eat one of those every.freakin.day!

Symptoms: I've felt pretty good the last few weeks, the last day or two my tummy has been feeling tighter. Sign that the increasing bump is not just in my head. Still have heartburn every now and then, but overall I've been feeling good. On an iron supplement now and I think that has made me feel more alert during the day, but still am konked out by evening.

Best Moment this week: It would have to be feeling this precious little girl start to move more. After dinner you can find me laid back on the couch with my short lifted up and my hands rubbing my belly waiting for the next round of action. An instant smile pops on my face when I feel the slightest thump in there! Its amazing!

*Even Ellie can't believe how much I've grown in the last few weeks!


jaime said...

you look amazing! Happy 25 weeks!! :)

Bari said...

You look so beautiful! Your comment about putting on socks made me laugh. So thankful mine were born at the end of summer. I wore flipflops almost constantly, but work required closed-toed shoes and socks. I think M helped me a few times :)

Christy M. said...

You are so beautiful, Mendie!!! WOW! I cannot believe how fast it's going :)

I'm so glad to see you are documenting and enjoying every.single.moment of your pregnancy. I kept a journal when I was pregnant with BJ and it's one of my most treasured things now!!!

Love you, girl!

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