January 26, 2011

The Big Ultrasound

Yesterday was the big day-time for our 20 week ultrasound. 
Above all we hoped to be able find out that our baby was growing properly
and had everything that was supposed to be there.
Of course we were hoping we would be able to find out the gender of our little bean too!

The tech started out and moved across my tummy and we first saw the whole body outline 
of our little bean with a hand up by his or her little face!
Hello there little one!
The little bean was moving around quite a bit, and was being a bit shy.
The tech tried to get the infamous money shot to let us know what we were going to have,
and was able to see 3 faint lines which means..... 
The little bean was moving around so much, which was amazing,
but it was hard for her to capture a picture of it and she kept looking to try to find any sign of boy parts. 
She didn't see anything and was sure that the faint lines were true 
and meant that the little bean is a girl! 
We go back in 5 weeks for another quick gender scan, 
but she is 90% certain we are having a girl.
We aren't painting the nursery just yet, but the pink clothes buying will commence!

She then zoomed in and we saw the profile of our sweet little blessing! So sweet and cute! 
Almost can see a little smile under that tiny little nose of hers!
After a few passes of trying to get some good profile views, she started out the testing and measuring. Everything looked good, the heart had all  chambers pumping and measured the correct size. 
The kidneys were functioning and we could see the stomach linked to the umbilical cord with some fluid in it so we know she is getting nutrition.  
We saw the spine and 2 legs and arms and all the little digits wiggling around.  
Her brain looks good and all the upper lip and fatty tissue at the back of the head 
measure on track so there doesn't seem to be any risk of 
chromosomal abnormalities or down syndrome. 
More blessings indeed!

She turned around we even got to see a frontal view with her two little eyes and nasal cavity staring at us.  She must be scratching her head wondering what all the fuss is about! 
So amazing! Currently she is in a breech position, with her head on my left side.
But they say that normally changes in the 3rd trimester, and she'll migrate south.
Hopefully little miss gets that memo and starts to shift over the next 4 months.
So we are so thankful that everything is going well and that our little girl is growing and healthy.
It was a huge sigh of relief to see her forming into a beautiful baby and hear the heartbeat stronger then ever!
She's 20w5d and is on track for her anticipated June 9th Delivery Date!  
Can't wait to meet her!
I love her so much already!


Bacardi Mama said...

Oh Mendie, you made me cry tears of joy this morning. I am so happy for you and your hubby. I have four girls, so know how much fun you are going to have. Congratulatons my friend on your beautiful healthy little girl!!!

Ace said...

I had a feeling she was a she!!! CONGRATS!!! That one pic looks like she's sucking on her little finger!

Adventures In Babywearing said...

I am so excited for you! What a blessing.


The Doll said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you. What a wonderful blessing.

MitaKay said...

Congratulations, mama!!! I remember that 20 week appointment like it was yesterday. We waited to find out the sex but it was amazing to be able to see the little person growing strong in there. Can't wait to see little missy in color!! Take care and enjoy the next 4 months... time wil fly by.

Becca said...


Karena said...

Wonderful news! I'm so glad everything is progressing well! Good call not painting yet, just in case!

Bari said...

I am so, so, so excited for you!!!! I hope you got my texts back last night but my phone was being all wonky (or my fingers were cuz I was so happy for you!). I might just have to plan another road trip later this summer to meet this beautiful little girl :)

Stillmary said...

Congratulations! I am so thrilled for you! You must have had a very informative Ultrasound Tech and that's wonderful! Love this post - it made my day!

Kim said...


Jamee @ A New Kind of Normal said...

I am totally crying reading this! Congratulations!!!!!!

Mommy Mo said...

Yippeee!!!! I am so excited for you. We had a girl first and I was completely happy in pink-land. Girls are the best...but then again, so are boys.

jaime said...

Yay!!!! So excited for you! :)

Crooked Eyebrow said...

I am so very excited for you and your husband!

What a blessing indeed.


imadramamama said...

MENDIE!!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!

*Lissa* said...


I am so happy things are going so well with your l'il girl!!!

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

Hey, congratulations!!! <3 How exciting!!

Beki said...

Mendie, I am so happy for you & your hubby! What a blessing! Ultrasounds are so amazing! When I was prego w/ Hudson, he was NOT shy & there was no doubt I was having a boy! Haha Just goes to show us girls have more modesty!


Brooke said...


little girls are so much fun. :) congrats

Erin said...

I am so happy for you and that healthy baby girl!

Tiffany S said...

Yay! I'm glad all went well. It won't be long now til you get to meet your baby girl.

Kate at Big City Belly said...

Yay for girls! Congrats.

Roo said...

Love, love, love!!!!!

Elaine A. said...

WHEE!!! So excited for you and so glad that she's healthy and developing well. These are great shots of your sweet bundle! Congrats again Mendie! SO very happy and excited for you!!! xoxo

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