My uncle and cousin had to make the heartbreaking decision today to follow my aunts wishes and take her off of life support. She has been off the ventilator since this afternoon and is breathing on her own. Debbie didn't want to be kept alive by a machine and didn't want to be forced food thru a tube, so as hard as it is for us all to take away the things that are helping her stay alive, we have to do what she would want. She was transported back to our hometown this evening to Hospice where her family can be with her 24/7 as she continues her journey home.
Debbie has always been such an independent woman and always took care of others. She is a go getter and would often take charge of the situation. She would tell you what you thought, even if it might not be what you wanted to hear. She was a leader and took the lead respectfully, without hurting anyone or stepping on anyone's toes.
Aunt Debbie had a living will and had thought about the way that she would want to continue living if her cancer were to become debilitating, she made her decision and choose to live the last few days of her life on her own strength. She is a strong woman of faith and I am finding comfort in the idea that she isn't afraid of dying and is ready to meet her heavenly father. She has put up a hard fight over the past four years and is ready to let God lead her down the final path of this journey. I do not remember ever hearing her complain during her battle, and that speaks volumes about the kind of person that she was, she didn't want to burden us with it. Instead you may just see the occasional tear slip down her cheek. What an amazing example of inner strength she is!
So my friends, I ask you this one last time for a few final prayers.
Please pray for my Uncle Jim who hasn't left Debbie's side and having to say goodbye to his best friend and wife of 35 years . He has been an amazing husband and has held her hand thru this difficult journey and never let go.