For now she is being called Big Girl. (we are still deciding on which name fits her personality)
My husband and his friend picked her up from the pound late yesterday afternoon, took her to get microchipped before bringing her home. Brought her into the backyard to get used to it, first on the lead then free to run around. She sniffed around the whole circumference of the yard with my husband and left her mark a few times. Then we brought Emma out to meet her. Big Girl was jumping and excited when we both came out, partially because of me, but I know mostly because of the little dog beside me. Emma was excited and ran up to hubby, which of course got Big Girl more excited. Then Emma was like, what the heck is in my yard by my dad? Big Girl kinda jumped around a little, excited, but never growled or anything. Both tails were wagging the whole time. That is until big girl went and swatted her paw at Emma to play, and Emma’s hair stood up on her back, kinda like back the eff up! It was not a good situation, I was instantly like, take her back this isnt’ going to work.
So Emma kinda hide behind me for protection while hubs held Big Girl back. But they kinda looked at each other every now and then, but basically Emma wanted nothing to do with her, and I can’t say that I blame her. This dog is easily 3 times as heavy and 5 times as big as Emma. Once when hubby was holding Emma and I had Big Girl on the leash, she sniffed Emma’s butt, you know like dogs do, and Emma kinda growled and nipped at her and then she walked away. So that was good, and the other one didn’t seem to feel like retaliating so that was good. I didn’t see any ill intent on either of their sides, so that made me feel better. Big girl was just curious and wanted to play, Emma was like what the heck is that big thing doing on my patio!
My husband was tossing the Frisbee and she was bringing it back, she is a smart dog and really sweet. A few times she was laying on the grass with her legs sprawled out and head titled letting us rub her belly. She’s really submissive so that’s great sign I think. I think once she gets over the excitedness of a new home and new people parents, she’ll be great. Didn’t hear her bark once, just kinda tilt her ears when the neighbor dogs barked but didn’t follow thru on it.
We are just going to introduce them for a little bit at a time, hopefully then they will become BFF’s. She’s a beautiful dog and really sweet and I don’t feel like she would hurt Emma. She doesn’t seem like the attack kind of dog you know how sometimes you can just see that in a dog. She wanted to play and was excited to be out of her concrete cell she used to call a home. But Emma is pretty chill and used to being on her own, so it will take some time to adjust to that. You can tell from the image below, she was less then thrilled. But Emma is the alpha dog, it is her domain and we want her to be the leader and put Big Girl in her place, and I think she will be great for that. She would have been a great mother.
So this morning, I feel like it’s going better then I thought it was when they first met, Emma was wagging her tail and whined when Big Girl started to wiggle and want out of her crate this morning. Granted they aren’t cuddled up together now, but they’ll play together one day, it just might take a few weeks. Slow and steady.
PS…I’ve never had a big dog, well we had a German Sheppard when I was little but other then that, I’ve only known doxies or beagles. So this is a big change for me and a little scary to be honest. But I think she’ll be good for all of us.
PSS…any of you lab owners out there that have any advice or training tips, please pass them along. We’d appreciate them!