Unloaded up the dishwasher before starting dinner, enjoyed a frosty beverage or two with dinner and started to watch the guys replace the toilet seat in my bathroom. Well needless to say, it was a little harder then we thought. Its a one piece toilet and for some stupid reason, unlike most toilets, that have the nut thingie underneath that you can unscrew the bolts that hold the hinges on, this model has built in things that you can't reach. Great, so of course it wouldn't come unscrewed and just kept spinning....pretty soon the dremmel came out and the bolts got cut off. So they are at Walmart trying to find new bolts to attach the new seat properly. Oy...nothing can be easy can it? Hopefully it will be finished by morning. Fingers crossed.
Hope you all had a great Saturday! Click the image below to walk thru my chill day!
Oh and when you are done, stop over and wish Bari a Happy Birthday...she is feeling better then she has in decades so it's gonna be a great year!