June 16, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday {on my new unintentional blog design}

Good Morning ladies...happy hump day. Yesterday was an interesting day, I couldn't get on my blog in the morning, kept getting a unavailable message from blogger.  So then when I did get on at lunch, it appears my background and header had been deleted and replaced with a picture of clouds.  Wha?  Somehow a new layout was applied and stuff was not as I left it.  Yeah not sure how that happened, but I ended up changing my password in fear I was hacked, and started trying to get back my green and aqua theme I had worked so hard to make a few months ago. Looks like there is an easier way to do a menu, so I'm going to be tweaking that this week so bare with me if the pages up top lead you to nothing. I'm working on it. ;o)

So onto the topic at hand.  Time to see how we really handled the week when we step on the scale.  We started a Biggest Loser contest at work last week and had our first weigh-in on Monday.  To keep things simpler I'm going to report that weigh-in so I can keep track of my progress on here.  Plus it lasts 8 weeks so it fits in nicely with the Shrinking Days of Summer Challenge over at the Sisterhood. 

I lost 4 lbs this week. 
4 lbs people...my hard work is finally starting to show...my scale is not broken!

I have been walking 2 miles a few times a week and have been tracking my food, humph....who knew that would help? Me...that's who.  Its crazy who easily it is to cave into temptation and just have a little extra at dinner or sneak a handful of M&M's.  This is all fine if you allot for those extra calories, which I was not doing previous.  You'd be amazed at how much all those things add up if you start actually tracking them.

So how are you....did the scale make your day this week?

Don't forget to stop over and sign up for a chance to win one of 8...yes I said 8 Lands End swimsuits that Shrinking Jeans is giving away this Friday.  They are awesome, love the fact you can mix tops and bottoms. Go enter here.


Brooke said...

that's incredible mendie!! :) congrats!

LaughingLady said...

Isn't it awesome to finally see the scale moving!! You've done a great job of sticking with the program, even when you weren't seeing the results you wanted, so this must be extra sweet for you!! You really do deserve this!

Ace said...

That is so awesome! I'm so proud of you!

Stacie's Madness said...


Renée aka Mekhismom said...

Congratulations! Hard work is paying off. You will be at your goal in no time!

Heather D said...

Wow! Four pounds! That's amazing. Love that your hard work is paying off.

Kirsten said...

Yay! Congrats on your hard work paying off!!

Bari said...

Great job this week, Mendie! 4 pounds is freaking awesome - I knew you could do it!

Becca said...

Congrats on the 4 pounds! That is fantastic!

I gained this week, but like you said, I just need to allot for extra calories this week. :)

Not Jenny said...

Congratulations!!! Well Done!

I lost a bit, but I am happy with it because my body does not give up padding easily and I had two birthday parties with cake.

Kim said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!! that's fantastic! & I feel like you totally busted me on the M&Ms LOL I needed that lil wake up call! thanks :)

Audrey said...

So, so proud of you! Keep up the great work!

Tiffany said...

Woo Hoo!!! Isn't it awesome when the scale reflects all of the work! I can totally relate on the food tracking - its amazing what a difference it makes.

Bacardi Mama said...

Four pounds! You are a freakin rock star!!!

imadramamama said...

Mendie! That's amazing! Great job on the loss!

Stillmary said...

Awesome job, Mendie! I'm SO VERY impressed. I need a biggest loser thing going on around here. lol
Keep up the good work!

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