Spring is starting to make an appearance all around our pond. The lily pads are abundant and almost need trimmed back already. I captured the first lily popping up yesterday, and today it was opened up when I got home.
The fish are starting to swim everywhere. We have about a dozen of the reddish/orange standard koi. A few white ones and some combos. We also have a black butterfly, but he's pretty hard to get a picture of.
Let me introduce you to some of the more colorful characters:
This is Sylvester. He is the blueish butterfly koi in the middle. I named him Sylvester because his mouth kinda curves to one side like Rocky.
This little guy is named Goldie. You can probably figure out how I came up with that name.
This is currently our largest koi..and I actually don't have a name for this one...just call him big guy.
This one we call Zinger....Lemon Zinger. He has gotten so big over winter and is getting more silver every year!
We are hoping to get a few more colorful koi this year to add to our pond. It is so relaxing to watch them swim around. Now we want to put a small pond out back so we can sit on the patio and enjoy them all
Spring and Summer long!