March 26, 2010

I Workout Because...

Rethink Your Shrink, The Monday Project

I workout because I want to have some definition to my body. I am do you say....curvy.  If I can whittle down my midsection....I would be well on my way to posing for a mudflap. Well not really, but you get the idea.

I workout because when I push myself to do something I have never done before, I feel great when I accomplish it!  All the pain and energy drain are pushed from my mind and the smile can't be contained!  I want to tell the whole world what I have done! (and if you are my facebook or twitter will probably hear about it whether you want to or not)

I workout because I am capable of  it.  There are so many people that have a condition that inhibits them from doing anything physical.  Who am I to take my health for granted?  While I may not be able to run a mile...I can walk it.  Some people will never be able to say that.

I workout because I want to enjoy Saturday cookouts and tailgates.  And history has proven that watching what I eat during the week and splurging on the weekend doesn't show positive results unless I have burned some extra calories.

I workout because it helps me to relive stress.  When Jillian tells me to punch it out....oh I punch it out!  Sometimes I line up the TV so she is my target, other times I'm punching at emotions.  Either way I feel better after I'm done.

Why do you workout?  Come share what drives you to push yourself physically with Shrinking Jeans.  You never know....what you write might be just the thing to push someone else to start exercising!


Karena said...

So, you're a mudflap girl, eh?! Good to know! I'm a curvy girl myself!

Working out is a great way to relieve stress! I'm wishing I could work out right now!! Good post, Mendie1

Kelli said...

This made me lol, I'm a curvy girl too, only my curves are all convex, but not for long!

Great post! Thanks for sharing :)

Stillmary said...

I'm glad motivation is one of the labels for this post because it's very motivating. I sometimes remember that I'm lucky that I can effortlessly walk a mile but sometimes I forget, so thanks for the reminder.
I many never be really skinny but someday I'd love to be a mudflap girl like you.

Heather of the EO said...

and because you work out, you are inspiring! :)

Brooke said...

lol!! sorry i couldn't get past the mudflap comment. you need to edit this post and take off the "Well not really" part!!

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