Here's a look at my
Motivational Wall....I am going to stick all of these on a board and keep it on my bathroom door so I can look at it everyday! Here are some reasons why I chose the things I did:
~Reminder to believe in myself
~Some of my favorite characters...powerful and good ladies
{ok so Strawberry Shortcake ins't a superhero, but she makes me smile}
~A picture of me at my best and at my worst...and the weights to go along with it
~My first 5K time that I intend on easily passing this year
~Former Ohio State player James Laurinaitis...because he gets everybody pumped up for 4th down
{this is my 4th down-game on!}
~The Columbus Half-Marathon...something to push myself towards
~My 3 biggest supporters {my husband, my grandma and my mom}
These images provoke so many feelings inside of me....motivation, strength, support, power, love and hope.
I hope your wall makes you feel like this too! Come link up with the
Sisterhood and share what motivates you!