November 25, 2009
Weigh-in Wednesday
SUCK. I'm up 2.8 lbs.
I know what I've done (enjoyed too many tasty things this weekend for our anniversary and hubby's birthday) and what I haven't done (no miles or exercise logged this week). I just am really struggling to get back to the routine...more so then ever.
I told myself I would never go back to weighing more than 150 lbs...yet I found myself less then a pound away this morning. Tell me that wasn't a wake-up call screaming at me to get my ass back in check! Now. I will not go back.
- Karena said...
I'm with you, and I feel your pain. Getting back on track is difficult. But you can do it! It's a new week -- let's make a fresh start!
- November 25, 2009 at 9:38 AM
- LaughingLady said...
Atta girl!!! You know what's good for you, you know what's right. Even though they're not necessarily the most fun choices (like, almost NEVER, really!), you know you'll feel better about choosing the hard road than the easy one in the long run. Keep it up!
- November 25, 2009 at 9:39 AM
- Becca said...
You know what you did that was bad, and that's the first step, admitting!
I'm sure you'll lose it all next week, you go girl! - November 25, 2009 at 9:47 AM
- Stillmary said...
I wish someone would share the magic words or the magic thoughts that would keep us from caving when we're tempted to indulge. I need them too. The good news is that there are lots of tools out there to help us and the best one has got to be the Sisterhood. I read a lot of what they all have to say and it's very motivating.
Most of all, hang in there. You WILL win if you don't give up! - November 25, 2009 at 10:26 AM
- Brooke said...
you can still keep that promise to yourself!! :) be more diligent about your food (well except tomorrow - just get moving tomorrow before/after you eat).
- November 25, 2009 at 10:34 AM
- Christie O. said...
that's what's so good about any challenge, is that we can keep ourselves in check now. back in the day, we'd have just kept on going, now we know where we've come from and how much we want to keep it from happening again! that's ok!! you'll stay below your line!
happy thanksgiving to you!!! - November 25, 2009 at 10:56 AM
- The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans said...
Kick those 2.8 pounds to the curb this week, Mendie! You can do it!!!!!!
- November 25, 2009 at 11:39 AM