October 20, 2009
So you wanna have a baby
We are officially trying to have a baby. Wow…that’s a big thing to put out into the world for all to read! But it’s one we made last month and thought we would stop worrying about all the "what-ifs" and focus on the joy a child would bring and see if the stars align for us. I’m only telling my closest friends and one family member, don’t want everyone to know we are trying until it happens and I well am into my 1st Trimester. So if you came upon this blog somehow and know me or my family on a local level, please don’t mention this to them….no use in getting anyone excited until we have something to be excited about? My family is known to talk and share almost everything, so news of me getting off the pill would be passed along faster then the President being in town. Thanks for understanding!
I took my last birth control pill on September 16th. I have been on BC pretty much since I was 18 or 19 years old in one form or another. Mostly the pill, but I have also tried Nuvaring….which wasn’t really for me. So for me, not taking a pill everyday was going to be weird. My husband and I decided to just let things happen naturally, at this time we don’t see ourselves going for medications or procedures to help us get pregnant (mostly because of finances), but fully support anyone who goes that route. If it’s meant to be, then it will be. I’m putting everything into Gods hands and if he thinks I can handle it then may we be blessed with a baby.
But then the analytical and emotional sides of me come out. Like going to Target and seeing a Winnie the Pooh Pack & Play on Clearance for $60…should I get it just in case, I could always use it as a gift later on if it doesn’t happen right? Hours have been spent researching names and options for births etc. But then I figure why am I getting excited for something that may never happen you know? There are so many stories of women who haven’t been able to get pregnant or stay pregnant, several in my family including my mother who had several miscarriages before having me.
I am 32 and my husband will be 35 next month, so we are closer to the end of the window then the beginning for a first time pregnancy. So I started taking prenatals a few months ago when we started deciding when the pill popping would stop. I also take an Omega 3-6-9 and B6 or B12 supplement too. I have continued to watch my weight and have lost 46 lbs and exercise at least 4 times a week, combo of Shredding and Walk/Run intervals. I also stopped drinking my 3 cups of morning java which I covered with so much SF creamer you couldn’t even taste the coffee anymore, and now have a diet soda every morning instead. Hope to ween myself off of that, but for now I’m still using that as my caffeine boost. So I started to focus on making myself healthier so that when the time came and we were gifted with a little bean, I would have done the best I could do to make a safe womb for baby.
I started charting last month, anyone who has researched TTC knows of the things I am speaking of. Things I never thought I would put into an excel table are now being updated daily with temps, exercise, aches, cramps, headaches, fluids, etc! Thought it would be kind of interesting as I am an analyst by trade, so I love watching trends and trying to guess what’s going to happen next. While I know you can’t plan these things, it’s interesting to see how my body is reacting to going off the pill and to being a woman in general.
Question for my readers: Have any of you charted your temps or used Ovulation Predictor kits to figure out when your “primetime” is?
Anyone who remembers or is going thru this now knows some of the questions that have been popping up in my head lately. Since I have been on the pill, my periods have gone from being 5-6 days to about 3. Does this mean I am less fertile? They also have gone from being pretty heavy to being lite to medium. Does this mean I’m less fertile? Of course, with the my cycle was about 24 days consistently. But this first month of being off the pill, had put me in a 35 day cycle. Does this mean my cycle is off track since I’m not showing hormones to trick my body anymore? Apparently so, because I have had pre-cramps, no moodiness, no tender breasticles…but when the time came, my cramps were worse then ever. Does this mean I’m less fertile? I have been exercising pretty hard this last month, getting my heart rate between 180-200 most days. Is this too much stress on my body…am I delaying ovulation because of the physical stress I am putting on my body or just with the emotional stress of worrying about it happening? So much for not worrying, huh?
I have been achy and tired this last week, but I’m attributing it to the fact that it turned butt-ass cold in Ohio and a bug is going around or that I’m staying up to late at nights and getting up earlier a few days a week to exercise. But other then that, I find that I am actually a little more chipper then normal, I think the hormones were possible making me crankier. Or maybe it’s just the thought of babies that brightens up everything around me.
So in the mean time, its business as usual. I will continue to have the occasional beer or wine, continue to exercise my arse off in an attempt to shed a few more lbs before it happens and try not to worry about the chance it will never happen. I am just going to focus on the fact that my husband and I have so much love for each other and our marriage that we want to create someone to share that with. And it’s fun practicing!
- Amy said...
First of all, congrats!! It's awesome to make that decisions. Second of all, slow down! It'll take your body some time to adjust from being on the pill for so long, and it's different for everyone. Not that this is how it will be for you, but I was mostly on the pill for 10-11 years and when I got off of it, I didn't ovulate or have periods for 2-3 years. I ended up having to take Clomid to get pregnant with my 1st kid. I was not in very good shape; I wasn't active & was about 25 pounds overweight, so you definitely have that going for you. I read Taking Charge of Your Fertility & tried to chart (difficult w/no periods). So just try to relax (I know, impossible) & just be aware of what's going on with your body at this point, but try not to worry about it. Things will even out, it just might take a little while. :-) I'm excited for you!!
- October 20, 2009 at 10:07 AM
- Diane, Fit to the Finish said...
I think it's so exciting you are trying for a baby! I've been pregnant 10 times and have 7 kids from 19 to 2!! I was 42 when my last was born.
Your cycle isn't messed up, but rather readjusting to its natural rhythm. I think it's wonderful that you are charting out of the gate. It's the best way to see what's going on with your body.
I charted for years and still do even though we are probably past our fertile time. It's very helpful!
If you want to get pregnant fast, charting & OPK's are a great combination. That way you can learn what those pre-O signs look like for you, and how they fall in line with actual O. So many people assume it's day 14, and it's not for many, many people. Mine is usually day 12!
I exercised regularly until I got a positive test. Then because of miscarriage, I took a break for the first trimester. (My decision not the dr's)
I hope you get that baby you so desire!!! If you have any questions you can email me!
fittothefinish@hotmail.com - October 20, 2009 at 10:08 AM
- Christie O. said...
OH GIRL, you are doing all the right things! From exercising to prenatals, good for you! I really have no idea how being off the pill now can affect things or how long it takes to get out of your system completely. it's so different for everyone, i know doctors have told me it could take up to six months afterward, but everyone's body is so different! charting and everything is so wonderful because you do get to know your body and all of its wonderful signs! i was never on the pill (for family genetic blood clot reasons) and i charted but it still took 6 months before we conceived. it took a friend of mine 3 years. i also have a friend who conceived immediately. everyone is so different! i hope you are blessed with good news soon, but try so hard to remain optimistic if it doesn't happen right away for whatever reason and try so hard not to feel crushed if your friend comes. i was crushed every month it didn't happen and i wish i had let it happen on God's time and not my own, i may have been at more peace. just try to be patient and know that there is a plan for you, even if you don't know what it is right now! and enjoy the practice!!!! :)
- October 20, 2009 at 10:13 AM
- LaughingLady said...
Awesome! I wish you all the best in your, ahem, efforts! I would caution you against over-thinking things, though. I know it's a natural tendency for women, but in my experience, it only leads to worry and stress. Something you really don't need ~ EVER!! ~ but especially not now in this circumstance. And don't underestimate the value of second-hand stores and garage sales!!!!
- October 20, 2009 at 11:27 AM
- Mommy Elephant Sarah said...
I don't have any advice or info on the questions you asked, but I was going to say the same thing Christie said, and that is tht it takes 6 months for birth control to leave your system. I'm not an expert, but I would say your period flow and everything sounds about right. I'm trying to remember how that was for me when I got off it, and I think I went through the same thing, and I had horrible cramps! Anyway, good luck! :)
Oh and I bought bedding on sale for 65 at Target 2 years before I got pregnant! :) It had elephants on it in green, a color I could use for boy or girl. Haha! - October 20, 2009 at 1:11 PM
- Elaine A. said...
I'm no help in the charting department since I'm just a Fertile Myrtle but I wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and hope that you can relax about the process. It will happen for you and your husband, I just know it!
- October 22, 2009 at 11:56 AM
- Ace said...
Aw, I remember those days... sad thing is we're (pretty much) the same age and you're just starting and I've been done for 9 years!
I never worried about a thing. Mostly because I didn't have time to. I found out I was pg with our first 6 weeks after going off the pill! A couple years later I went off the pill for about 6 months, nothing happened, went back on the pill for a few months, went back off and was pg with my twins 6 weeks later. I'm just weird like that! I had my tubes tied after the twins... never knew what might happen if I missed a pill! - October 26, 2009 at 5:03 PM