October 30, 2011


Four and a half months.
20 weeks.
145 days.
However you see it....this is what cute looks like.

*linking up to Beth's You Capture and Elaine's Miss Elaine-ous Monday

October 16, 2011

Four Months

Grace Mae - you are FOUR months old!!! 
You weigh 11 lbs and are 23 3/4 inches long
You are wearing mostly 3 months clothes.
You wear a size 1 diaper. 
You got to experience your first Ohio State football party this month! You were the cutest one there! 
You are sleeping thru the night and normally finish your last feeding about 11 or 11:30 and sleep until about 6 o'clock when I feed you before I go to work. Most days you go back to sleep until about 9:30 when you and Daddy get up for the day. 
You have only woken Mommy up to eat in the middle of the night once or twice...guess you are stockpiling from your hour long nighttime feeding!
You have become quite efficient with the whole nursing thing. What used to take 40-50 minutes now only takes about 20, except in the evenings when you just want to spend a little more time with Mommy. I don't mind, its our special bonding time. Oh and you also have broke free from the shield! This is huge and now only use it at night and in the morning when you are kinda lazy and don't want to work as hard. You are doing great, I am so proud of you. What started out as a struggle has become a normal part of life for both of us!
You love bathtime, and have started kicking your legs and getting water on the counter. Its cute. You have turned into quite the little smiler too! You are seriously one of the happiest babies that I have ever seen, You wake up with a smile and are quick to give them to everyone who sees you. Its getting trickier to try and capture those smiles, 
but every now and then I manage to get one!
You just started rolling over this month....and you have done it a few times! You are going from back to belly and normally go towards your left side. Daddy saw you go from belly to back, but I haven't seen that one yet. You are doing so much better with tumytime and manage to stay there a little longer when you roll over to your tummy. You are doing great little girl!

You are sitting up much straighter and holding your head up good. You have given us a few giggles and love when daddy gives you raspberry kisses under your chin..you giggle and squeal! Its so cute! You are one of the best spit bubble blowers around. You end up soaking your onsies and your stuffed toys. I think its a sign that you will be busting out some teethers soon! You constantly have your hand in your mouth and are chewing on your fingers. Bet the next update will have a picture of some little white nubs in your mouth!
Oh you are growing up so quickly!
We love you slobber butt!

*It's Monday and I'm being "Miss Elaine-ous" over at The Miss Elaine-ous Life!
Go check out who else linked up!

October 4, 2011

The journey began one year ago

One year ago today, after stopping to visit my aunt in the hospital and taking her some apple crisp, I stopped and bought some pregnancy tests.

Anyone who has tried to use the cheap internet test strips to see if you are pregnant knows how hard it is to tell if there are two lines or if the one line is darker than the other one. So I decided to get one pack of the regular lined ones and one pack of the digital ones that would give me a straight answer...none of this fuzzy maybe you are maybe you aren't stuff.

I got home, went into the bathroom, did my thing....and waited. It seemed like those five minutes took fifty. But then I looked down at the stick and saw the word I had been dying to see for so long.


I called for my husband to come in, and started shaking my head and smiling and crying and said...we are going to have a baby! We hugged and let out some deep sighs and hugged some more.
It was amazing to know we were getting ready to start an amazing journey.
Then the next day I tested with some different brands, just to make sure it was real.
Yep....they all were saying the same thing...we were going to have a baby!

So last year at this time I was looking at this.....
and now I am amazed to look at this.....

I am so blessed and thankful for those little sticks for giving me some of the best news I have ever received! The fact that my little girl had begun to grow inside of me.
And that our lives were about to change in remarkable amazing ways.