August 31, 2011

Remember that time...

Remember that time when Mommy felt an earthquake at work? Yes, in Ohio! It was in Virginia, but we felt about 10-15 seconds of the earth shaking here. I called your Daddy to see if you guys felt it, but he didn't notice anything. And you were probably enjoying your afternoon swinging session, so you were probably clueless too.

Remember that time that you started smiling for the camera? You are so aware of the camera phone its ridiculous! Guess that's what we get for always taking your picture at the randomest of times. You are ridiculously cute in this pic by the way. (11 wks old)
Remember that time we knew we had to start looking at SUV's? Because even though you are little, you have a lot of baggage. Tis ok....a 2 door coupe isn't exactly the safest family vehicle. But it does save on gas! And no, this is not where you will be sitting, we were just checking out cargo space.
Remember that time we bought your first car seat. You won't be using it for a while, but we wanted to get it while it was on sale and we had giftcards. I think you will love it...its the BMW of carseats!
 Remember that time we met Uncle Garrett and Aunt Michelle for breakfast? You napped on the way down, but once we were there you were all smiles. You love you some Uncle Garrett! Everybody loves your bows. I hope you don't hate me for making you wear them when you are older.
Remember that time you were watching Mommy make dinner. You started to get fussy so I gave you your binky. The next thing I know you were passed out. Keeping the bink close,just in case, but you didn't need it anymore. You have recently begun snoring when you are really konked out. It is the softest little snore ever!

Remember that time you pooped and somehow it got in your belly button? Yeah, that really happened. And your welcome that I didn't take a picture of that. Funny how I don't second guess cleaning up your messes but sometimes the stuff left in the sink drain after dishes can gross me out. Guess its my mom filter.

I know you won't remember any of these little random moments, but I know I will never forget any of them.

August 26, 2011

Grace's letter to McLittle

Dear McLittle,

Hi, my name is Grace. You don't know me, but you have probably heard your mom talking about me and my mom, her name is Mendie. They are friends.  I was born less than 3 months ago, so they have shared alot of stories while they were carrying us in their tummies.
 Your mommy sent us a package when I was born, it had this outfit in it. Isn't it cute! (Don't worry, you are a boy so you won't have to wear those big bows on your head. My mom thinks I look ADORABLE in them so she puts them on me all the time.)

The last 9 months while you have been busy growing into a tiny human, your mom has provided a comfy little suite for you. Well your lease is up babe, actually you were supposed to leave the premises yesterday but I guess you weren't quite finished in there yet. I know how you feel, I wasn't in any hurry to get out either, but one morning I started feeling the whole place shake and knew it was time to get out of there!  Hopefully you will begin your voyage this weekend and leave the little cocoon you have been wrapped in. I know I was getting cramped in my old place, it feels so good to be able to stretch your legs!

You are about to be born soon, and I know that you have no idea what that means, but since I went thru the same thing I just wanted to give you a heads up about what to possibly expect. These are just some of the things I can remember about it. 
  • First, there may some strange noises coming from your mom on your way out of the womb. These can range from grunts, to moans to cries....heck she might even scream. Don't worry its just how she is handling the whole process. She doesn't normally sound like that. 

  • Second, once you are born and the doctor holds you up for everyone to see, be sure to push all that air out of your lungs and let out a good cry. Mommy and Daddy are waiting for your first sound, so don't keep them waiting too long!

  • Third, there will be a new way for you to get your food. Don't be afraid of it, you'll both get the hang of it before you know it. It's pretty neat how it works, your mommy will take care of you.

  • Fourth, you are about to meet a lot of new people who have been waiting for you to make your appearance. You may recognize some of their voices. They are all so big and tall! But just be prepared, alot of them will talk in a funny high pitched voice. I guess thats how they think we will understand them. They make funny faces too.

  • Fifth, when you get home you will meet your "big sister" Chloe. I had two of them waiting for me, except mine were of the canine variety. She is used to being the center of attention, so don't be surprised if she is curious and checks you out for a while. I hear she is a big fan of your momma, so I know you guys will get along great one day!

I know my mom is excited to see pictures of you once you are here. She says that its an amazing thing to be able to finally hold that little baby that was growing in her belly for so long. And I can tell she loves it, she wants to hold me all the time and tells me she loves me like every five minutes! You will get so much love and attention too....I think you are going to be pretty happy  with the parents you have!

Your Mommy and Daddy are special people and are going to teach you so much stuff and take you lots of fun places when you are older! And don't worry, you will be able to hear that music they have been playing much better once you are born.  At first you will be pretty tired and will probably nap alot, its tough work being a baby. But before you know it you will start realizing you can do so much....we have these things called hands that I just discovered and you can move them and make them grab things...its pretty cool!

So until you get here and we find out your real name, I will say goodbye for now McLittle. So make it quick little have so many people waiting for your arrival! Good luck and I hope you have a quick and safe trip into the world!

Your future friend, 

August 16, 2011

Grace's 2 month Shots

Its hard to believe my little girl is 2 months old already! 
She had to go for her first set of vaccinations last week.  I was not looking forward to it. 
I know people have said, oh you'll hurt/cry more than she will. 
And after caring for her for just 8 weeks, I felt that was probably very true.  
Here we are getting ready to leave for the doctor. She has no idea what is about to go down.
We went into the pediatricians office where she was checked over and given a good bill of health. 
Then the nurse came in with a little tray of things. 
I looked at my husband and said, you are going to have to hold her, I can't watch! 
First she got her oral vaccination. 
She did great with that, which was no surprise since she LOVES her vitamin drops we give her every night. Then came the needles.
She was laying down on the table and my husband held her arms while
the nurse cleaned a spot on her upper thigh with alcohol. 
I turned away and took a deep breath.  She did the first shot and I was like, wow she isn't crying. 
What a big girl. Then I heard my husband say...."Oh my, you don't like that do you!". 
The nurse then gave her the other two shots and with that I heard a big painful cry. 
Ends up that she wasn't crying at first because she was opening her mouth so wide 
taking a big breathe in and then let it all out at once. So sad!

My husband picked her up and cuddled her, 
her little blue eyes were like diamonds amidst all the tears! 
Her face was bright red, but quickly she returned to her natural color in just a matter of seconds 
of being in daddy's arms.  
She took her bink and kinda grumbled a little but was drifting off by the time we got in the carseat. 
It wore her out!
Once we got home, she was ok just wanted to be held, which of course we obliged.
She did manage to nap after nursing for a little bit.  About 8:30 that night, 
she was starting to get really fussy and you could tell she wasn't feeling good so 
we decided to give her change her into her jammies and give her some tylenol. 
Of course, Emma and Ellie joined us for the event. 
They are so concerned when she cries...they like to stay close!
Look at her iridescent band aids! Aren't they cute!
When we were getting her dressed, we took off the bling bandaids. 
She wasn't a fan of that, but who really likes getting bandaids removed...they sting! 
And what did I see...little spots of blood from where the needles were. 
My little girls first episode of bleeding-Oh how sad! 
Once they were pulled off (gently of course), she was alright just a little tender.
She got her tylenol, which started making her drowsy in about 20 minutes. 
She was fighting sleep and then after nursing again was ready for bed. 
She slept thru the night and when she woke up at 7 the next morning was just a little sore, 
but had smiles for us. 
So thankful she didn't have any reaction to them.
But I am glad that we have a few more months before we have to go thru that again. 
She was such a big girl! I'm so proud of her!

August 11, 2011

Two Months

Grace Mae - you are TWO months old!!!
You weigh 9 lbs and 4 oz lbs and are 22 1/2 inches long
(You passed 9 lbs! Seems like we were in the 8's forever!) 
You are wearing mostly 0-3 months clothes.
(Some of your newborn stuff still fits, but you are getting so tall!)
You wear a size 1 diaper. 
(Currently in Pampers Swaddlers)

You have become such a good sleeper! You often sleep from about 12:30 until 6 or 7 in the morning! Occasionally you will wake up for a 3 am feeding, but more often the not you are konked out and sleep like a champ! They say you are growing when you sleep and I believe that this feel bigger! You get your bath in the evening, then we give you your vitamins and that is your signal its time for bed. You quickly begin calming down and in a matter of less then 10 minutes you are almost asleep. Its amazing!
You take a long nap in the morning until around lunchtime, then a few smaller ones in the afternoon, but the evening dinnertime nap seems to have gone away and you are more interested in what's going on around you.
You eat about every 2 hours. Roughly 4 oz when we give you a bottle if we are out running errands. 
No more get everything you need from Mommy.  
It makes me feel good that I am giving you what you need to grow into a healthy little lady.  
  You spend a lot of time looking at your butterflies above your swing and playing on your activity mat.  It seems like you notice something daily, but the ceiling fan still seems to be your favorite! I just keep staring at you and can't believe how much you are changing. The last month has brought about so much more awareness and interaction! Its amazing to watch you learn!

You started smiling this month! It used to be rare to catch a random half we get big gummy smiles almost every morning and throughout the day. You also started cooing and talking to us. It seems like you are going to have a lot to say, so we've been listening! It often sounds like you are saying "Hey" and when I say "I love you", you often coo right back to me and smile. I think you are trying to say it back!
Mommy goes back to work next week and she is going to miss you sooo much! But I know that you are in very good hands being home with Daddy. You two are going to have so much fun! I will be home at lunchtime to feed you, so make sure you get your nap in the morning ok? I can't wait to see how much you grow in the next month...I know its going to fly by!

You are truly a blessing and I love you to pieces!